Formula for "twang"?


New member
So, let's say one has a bright S/C guitar, say a Tele or Strat. How would one set up the rig/effects for some twangy country licks? Clean into a clean amp by itself just sounds like a standard S/C clean...
I use a strat and tele. Using the bridge pickup(s) is helpful.

I play through the Boss compressor and delay stomp boxes.
The compressor knobs are all pretty much at 12:00. The delay is set long but the effect level is set low, keeping it subtle.

Clean is good but if you can get just a hint of bite, that's nice, too.

Now this is not right or wrong. This is what I do and it works great for me.

A big part of that sound comes from your technique - chicken-pickiing, double stops, pick and finger technique, use of open strings, etc.

.....and so much for my 2 cents.
I agree that alot of country pick'n is about technique vs. specific amp settings

However, in talking to some country players I found that some ""slap back" delay and a sustain pedal are two key ingredients.
A Fender Tele into a Fender Deluxe. That will just about do it. A lot of other amps come pretty close, but you gotta love the Deluxe sound...
ive got a silvertone electric...and i was playing around with it one day, i lowerd the action reeeaalllllly far down, maybe too far, but it was twangy :D

Tele or ASAT, bridge pickup


MXR dynacomp


Boss delay


4x10 bassman

= Twang thang (best I've seen anyway)

Yes, the Johnny Hiland link was a treat. I read about him but never heard him until now.
Makes me wanna practice like a crazy man.
Some of his stuff in Orange Blossom Special reminded of the Hellecaster's version.
Wrangler said:
Yes, the Johnny Hiland link was a treat. I read about him but never heard him until now.
Makes me wanna practice like a crazy man.
Some of his stuff in Orange Blossom Special reminded of the Hellecaster's version.

I saw Johnny on a visit last weekend in nashville. He's just returned from a tour in Germany, they were blown away over there. The same as with the Japanese. The new custom Tele that Fender made for him is smoking too, through the twin reverb.
I think everybody has about the same idea for getting that sound. In generic terms, Tele+compressor+delay+ Fender amp. Season to taste, and learn the licks and techniques.

My personal recipe is Tele>Dynacomp>Dan Echo>Allen Old Flame.

Brent Mason does indeed have it down to a fine art.

One thing I've noticed is most that play in this style hold a pick and use their middle and ring finger also for picking---OR they use a thumb pick and the first and second finger as well. Theres a lot of popping and pulling going on on the right hand too, which contributes to the sound.

One more thing. Fresh strings definitely improve the twangage!
A Nashville 'secret' for years has been the Barcus-Berry under the tele bridge and a pot to mix it in...
The numero uno compressor these days has to be the Carl Martin.....
Tele-Carl Martin Comp-Boss Delay-Choice of Fender Amp.....VOILA...Instant Albert Lee....For those who dont know, find ANY Albert Lee recording and prepare to SWOON....he is the DADDY of chicken-picken
My two cents...

The compressor is not there for sustain,rather for attack.
I'm having a hard time articulating the sound I'm talking about,I call it "thuka-thuka".
I reccomend Supercomp or Dynacomp,but the Danelectro surf and turf is pretty good if you want an inexpensive compressor.I have both and they get me "that sound".
I've been using the Boss compressor.
Does the dyna comp or Carl Martin do anything to make me wanna switch to either of them?