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Cardigan's First Band on the Moon is good. Listen to the second track if you don't believe me.

Alexander Spence's Oar is good as well. Hippies do well with lots of space.

Amy Winehouse's Back to Black doesn't have a melody to its name but is great nevertheless. (With the exception of 'rehab' right?)

Death's For the Whole World to See for the rest of you.
Yup - good find. I've been listening to Chris Thile's How to Grow a Woman From the Ground a lot recently, too. I love how he makes bluegrass newgrass. But love of Chris Thile's music isn't follow-up from previous discussions in this forum. Really worth a listen, though.
There's an hour here that's really good too.

That business around the 17.00 mark is lovely. And the other stuff is worth listening to for the rest of the time. I listen about 17 minutes a time. It's worth it. It's like getting on an exercise bike.