Focusrite Twintrak Pro Problems.

I posted some of this before, but in the wrong forum. It should have gone here, I apologize.

I bought a Twintrack to upgrade from my bluetube stuff... and when setting it up I noticed that the balanced outputs were only XLR. There are also TS outputs. I record into my computer with a delta 44 which has 4 TRS inputs.. I can set the operating level in the audio driver to +4 or -10... Since the +4 outputs from my pre are XLR, for now I have to record at -10.

It seems like I have to JACK the preamp level in order to get a loud enough signal to record... Which makes me think either the preamp blows, or I have it hooked up wrong (most likely the latter)

I'm also using it as a monitoring device... I send the outputs from my soundcard into it, and from there I send the signal to the monitors and to my headphone amp... Its noisy as hell.

When playing back an audio file, I have the volume all the way up on the Twintrack, in the m-audio mixer, in audition, and on my monitors (KRK Rokits).. With everything jacked I get a reasonable volume.. Whats the problem here.. is it all because I'm operating at -10 instead of +4.. Does anyone else experience this problem, is the Twintrak defective?

I was actually thinking of taking it back... I like the compressor alot... its simple and it does exactly what I want it to do in tracking, but I don't feel comfortable with my input level all the way up.

As a side note I've also used the various Z settings on the Twintrak.. it makes a difference, but not a huge change in amplitude.

I paid about $600 for it new... My recording quality was just as good with my $200 presonus blue tube... And in general, I feel like my daw was operating better.

Could someone please tell me if this is normal, if I've done something wrong, or if they think the twintrak is defective.
