Focusrite Saffire Pro 26


New member
Is the Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 any good for a HomeStudio?
Is it able to record 8 tracks at a time or have I misunderstood something?
It certainly can. You can plug 8 mics directly into it. You can use other preamps with adat outputs, ie 2 m-audio octanes for an additional 16 channels of input. ALL channels are sent over the firewire. I beleive it's those 24 channels + a 2 channel main mix = 26 tracks of input to your daw.
FYI, the Saffire Pro 26 gives you 26 Inputs and 26 Outputs: 8 analog I/O (the 8 inputs are all XLR mic pres or line input), 16 ADAT I/O, and 2 S/PDIF I/O.
I don't mean to hijack the Op's thread but because this topic is relative to the Saffire 14 Pro that comes with a firewire connector that I'm going to buy today, I would like to know if I need a firewire pin adapter. I will be using this interface through Windows 7 64bit with a 1394 firewire port on the back on my computer desktop. Not laptop. I have read the manual and laptop firewire are different. I don't know which one I have on my computer (600 or 400 cable) all I know is it's a 1394. Can somebody clarify this to me. Thanks a lot.

This is a self built computer and has 1394 firewire support. I have read that some people have issues with firewire causing dropouts. How reliable is this? I think my pc is powerful enough to handle it. I have a Xeon W3520 quad core 2.67 GHz (equvilent to the I7 920) with 6 GB ram. Would this be an issue?
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This is a self built computer and has 1394 firewire support. I have read that some people have issues with firewire causing dropouts. How reliable is this? I think my pc is powerful enough to handle it. I have a Xeon W3520 quad core 2.67 GHz (equvilent to the I7 920) with 6 GB ram. Would this be an issue?

My focusrite Scarlett has never had an issue with dropouts and my system is inferior to yours.

If you will run this on your system, you'll have a good idea of it's audio streaming performance.

DPC Latency Checker

My system stays at the top of the yellow indefinitely.

Sorry I can't help with your first part. :(
Which firewire card do you have that support your interface? I couldn't get my FW to work. I have read the installation process and update latest driver included in the Mixer Control. It still doesn't detect the driver. Right now I am thinking that my chipset does support the my interface.

OS: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 [6.1.7601]
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Physical: 1
Cores: 4
Logical: 4
L1 Cache: 32 KB (8)
L2 Cache: 256 KB (4)
L3 Cache: 8192 KB (1)
Installed RAM: 6135 MB

Microsoft 1394ohci.sys [6.1.7601.17514]
Microsoft ohci1394.sys [6.1.7600.16385] 氨来捡⥹
Microsoft 1394bus.sys [6.1.7600.16385] 氨来捡⥹

Looking for OHCI 1394 Host Controllers...

Vendor : (1106) VIA Technologies
Chipset: (3403) VT6315/VT6330
Revision: 00
Subsysten VendorId: 1043
Subsystem DeviceId: 8384
Max # isoch Rx contexts: 4
Max # isoch Tx contexts: 8
Max 1394 Speed Capability: S400
Support: Compatible, no known issues.

Historically Firewire interfaces worked best (or at all!) with the Texas Instrument FW chipset. Other chipsets were sometimes ok but IIRC the VIA was one of the worst?

The simple (and only!) answer is a PCI or PCIe FW card with the TI chipset, $20ish??

N very B. You need a FW 400 only card. NOT 400+800, not 400+usb. Just one or usually at least 2 FW 400 ports.
