focusrite octopre anyone?

don'tkill kenny

New member
Opinions? I am looking for something that will work well with basic mics into a tsr 8 track directly and maybe come in handy if I get some digi stuff down the road.
octopre is pretty great for the price. haven't had much of a chance to experiment with other preamps myself but we use it in an all digital studio i work in for everything - vocals, guitar, harp - and it always sounds good. super clean! also has handy intrument inputs on the front for DI'ing.
I just installed one in the studio last night. Although I haven't had time to truly sample it, it does "sound" fairly reasonable (IMO).
i just ordered one. gunna use it for my drum kit mics into my motu with the ADAT adapter you can get for it. wanna post some MP3 samples of stuff you've made using it?
I'm going for it. There doesn't seem to be anything in it's range that rates as well. It also has compression for each channel and seems dead simple to use which is a big plus for me as I am not a manual lover or brilliant engineer (obviously if I'm askin about low end mic pre's ).