Focusrite 6 + M audio dmp3


New member
Hi there, I've just received a Focusrite 6 plus an M-audio dmp3 pre-amp. I read around, it's not a good idea to plug a pre into a pre, although you may do it. In any case I'll have to, cuz the Focusrite 6 doesn't have a line-in input, u gotta go thru pre's yes or yes. While some say you should use either a soundcard OR a pre amp, (specially if your soundcard has phantom and nice pre's) some others say it's better to have a pre, no matter what sound card you have.

U guys think using a Focusrite 6 + M audio dmp3 preamp is somehow redundant?
Thx for the advice.
Cheers !
i use to think this too, but a few made comments to a post, that its actually not a problem at all if the gain staging is good.

higher end preamps with gain, often need a "pad" to bring down the signal. (a pre can act as the same thing as a pad). they'd been doing it for years. I'm not sure where this "dont use a pre into a pre started....but I'd always thought the same thing.

if you do it right you wont have any issues you can hear, as I understand it.

i tried it, pre into a pre, and never heard anything negative, so maybe this is an old fear or something?

as I recall I was bringing my pre into a insert to avoid the preamp, and it was much too loud. so thats when they said using a pad/pre is alright...and it is. at least imo.
Right, thx coolcat, i go in the soundcard thru the "line in"... bypassing the pre's now, and it works perfect.
Honestly, there's not a world of a difference if you go straight to the focusrite pre's either.