Foamy guitar


New member
Hi. So the body and neck of my guitar has some foam from the case stuck to it.
It wasn't in the case for that long, maybe a month or two, and when i took it out it had black foam stuck to it. Maybe the heat, I don't know. Anyways, if anyone has any advice on how to get it off properly, please let me know.
Thanks much!
Hi. So the body and neck of my guitar has some foam from the case stuck to it.
It wasn't in the case for that long, maybe a month or two, and when i took it out it had black foam stuck to it. Maybe the heat, I don't know. Anyways, if anyone has any advice on how to get it off properly, please let me know.
Thanks much!
We need more info.

What guitar?
Where is the foam on the guitar?
Is this foam or felt from the inside of the case?

A picture would be helpful.

Seriously more info is essential here.
thanks for responding.
the guitar is a custom one, the only mark being "ronnie lee" in an inlay on the last fret. it pretty much has the shape of an explorer. the foam(or felt, i guess) is from the inside of a hard case, and is stuck to the guitar all around the edge of the body and a little on the edge of the head. there is also a bit at the base of the neck.
It wasn't in the case for that long, maybe a month or two, and when i took it out it had black foam stuck to it.

I'm going to guess that this is a new guitar, and that the builder failed to let the finish (whatever it is) fully cure before it was put in the case. If that's the case it would be his responsibility to correct the damage to the finish.

If getting the builder to address the problem is out of the question, the first thing I would try would be a damp cloth and elbow grease. Perhaps you'll be lucky and that will be enough. Second I would try a very fise polishing compound like Maguire's #7. Make sure the product you use has no silicon in it. Use a soft cloth and work a small area. Hopefully the material is not deeply imbedded. If this works you can do all the affected areas and then go to a finer compound to restore the gloss.
thanks for responding.
the guitar is a custom one, the only mark being "ronnie lee" in an inlay on the last fret. it pretty much has the shape of an explorer. the foam(or felt, i guess) is from the inside of a hard case, and is stuck to the guitar all around the edge of the body and a little on the edge of the head. there is also a bit at the base of the neck.

The reason I ask is because what the finish is will help you a lot in deciding how to put it right. Milnogue is right in that your first port of call should be the maker/manufacturer. A problem like that shouldn't happen unless something has been done against the makers instruction. Whatever, he/they will be able to tell you what the finish is and give advice. This is one of those situations where it is next to impossible to give any decent advice without seeing the extent of the damage.

The finish has softened for some reason and you have fibres or foam stuck in it or on it. The only other possible cause is that the foam has softened and it is stuck to the guitar finish which would be better from your point of view because it would mean the guitar finish is OK.

You need to find out which of the above has happened and the first step in doing that is to find out what finish is on the guitar. Contact the maker if you can or get an experienced finisher of luthier to look it over for you. I'd caution against trying to remove it yourself yet, attacking finishes can be very problematic, especially if it is already flawed.
I'd also ask how old the case is. Some types of foam oxidize over the years and turn into this obnoxious gunk that sticks to everything and is a real PITA to get off. What it turns into may attack and soften the finish on a guitar.
hi. thanks for all the responses.
the guitar is old, so i can't contact the manufacturer. i believe you guys are correct in that the foam from the case(which is old too), has oxidized and thus sticks to the guitar. i don't know what the finish is on it, if that still matters. i could post some pictures if it'd still be helpful.
The finish on it is more than likely nitrocellulose lacquer. The foam will likely be petroleum base. In an unseen area on the body( like under a control cover) try mineral spirits or lighter fluid (like for a Zippo lighter) to be sure it won't harm the finish. STAY AWAY from lacquer thinner or acetone. Denatured alcohol may work too. Again, test in a place that won't be seen although, denatured alcohol should be safe.
Sorry, missed the posts in this thread as I've been away al weekend.

If I was you I'd start by trying to remove it gently using the least aggressive options you have. Start with a little warm soapy water just damp a clean rag and have a go in a small area. If that doesn't touch it. The zippo fluid or naphtha option is likely to be the best option. Test it on a hidden area first to make sure it doesn't attack the finish. I'd stay clear of the denatured alcohol for now. If naphtha doesn't touch it alcohol probably wont but there are a few finishes that will react to alcohol but not naphtha. Start slowly.

Another option is to get some of the foam off the case and see what will dissolves or soften it. Report back then. You can then test in a hidden spot on the guitar to see if it attacks the finish or we can recommend a substitute that may be less aggressive..

Any chance of a picture?
There is a product called Guitar Honey that is a combo of oils used primarily on the fretboard - but, on the label it also claims to easily remove stickers, gunk, etc from your guitar w/ out harming the finish. I've never used it for that purpose so I cant comment on it but it might be worth checking out.