Fmr Rnp


New member
I'm going to be sell my brand new RNP on ebay. I just bout a focusrite red 8 and dont need it any longer. However I wanted to offer it to my good friends on Home Recording prior to my auction........if anyone is interested please contact me!
I honestly don't think that's a career move.

One thing I've found about mic pre's is that they all net you a different tone and texture. Each of these tones and textures, once learned and properly applied can lead to better depth and definition to the entire recording... much in the way that while a Strat and a Les Paul are both guitars, each brings a different tone and texture to the party.

FWIW... my RNP comes to the same gigs as my John Hardy's, Great River's, Phoenix Audio's, GML's [you get the picture] and I have found it to be a very useful texture when employed with things that cost 5+ times as much.

Obviously, your mileage may vary... but you might be a bit bummed somewhere down the line for having punted it.

Best of luck with all you do.
I hear you...the RNP is a great mic pre.....however I need a mic pre with a different flavor......I also plan on getting a grace 101....I just need something more transparanet and less dark.....
Less "dark" than the RNP? I've heard the RNP described in many terms... "dark" has never been among them.

Don't get me wrong bro, I'm not arguing with you... I'm just from the school where you add tools to a tool kit rather than selling your open end wrenches to buy socket wrenches.

Best of luck with it.
Don't listen to Fletcher, less is more.

What country are you in and how much do you want? Do you take Paypal :D

Private message me with details.
I hear you Fletch different strokes for different folks.......honestly I heard the Grace and and want to sell the RNP so that I can get one......just better suites the sound I'm looking for. Maybe I just need to try diffent mics.....I just found the grace to be more transparent........Tex my man I'm in New Jersey........
Keep the RNP (or at least test the Focusrites side by side with it), I personally like it better than the Focusrite Red series. They sound a little plain to me, but you may hear different. Key word hear.

Nathan Eldred
atlas said:
Keep the RNP (or at least test the Focusrites side by side with it), I personally like it better than the Focusrite Red series. They sound a little plain to me, but you may hear different. Key word hear.

Nathan Eldred

What Nathan said. :)

And, what Fletcher said as well.

You should keep the RNP or at least look at it side by side before you sell it.

No way man you want a real upgrade, why not just trade me for my Alesis 3630?:D It's got lots of pretty lights!;)
I already have the focusrite.......the RNP is a great preamp....just not the one for me.........
Fletcher said:
Less "dark" than the RNP? I've heard the RNP described in many terms... "dark" has never been among them.

Don't get me wrong bro, I'm not arguing with you... I'm just from the school where you add tools to a tool kit rather than selling your open end wrenches to buy socket wrenches.

Best of luck with it.

Geez. I've been away too long. I didn't know that Fletcher was posting around here. :eek:

Belated welcome, Fletcher.
Galla said:
I hear you...the RNP is a great mic pre.....however I need a mic pre with a different flavor......I also plan on getting a grace 101....I just need something more transparanet and less dark.....

I kinda feel you on the dark thing... maybe dark isnt the word but "woody" or "warm and thick" kinda come to mind. I noticed that both of my RNP's exhibit this character, and compared to something like a MAckie, they dont sound as crispy. A Good thing in my opinion. I keep wanting to feel like the RNP has a "tape-ish" sound to it, which isnt bad at all.
I mate it with a Sennneiser 441 all the time and really get some tape-ish , round warm flavored tones going on, I guess its party cause the 441 doesnt have a lot of high lift, and it takes the RNP most of its gain to get the levels good with a 441, so lots of preamp color in there from doing that I guess, too.
Certainly has a color to it IMO.
tubedude said:
I kinda feel you on the dark thing... maybe dark isnt the word but "woody" or "warm and thick" kinda come to mind. I noticed that both of my RNP's exhibit this character, and compared to something like a MAckie, they dont sound as crispy. A Good thing in my opinion. I keep wanting to feel like the RNP has a "tape-ish" sound to it, which isnt bad at all.
I mate it with a Sennneiser 441 all the time and really get some tape-ish , round warm flavored tones going on, I guess its party cause the 441 doesnt have a lot of high lift, and it takes the RNP most of its gain to get the levels good with a 441, so lots of preamp color in there from doing that I guess, too.
Certainly has a color to it IMO.

it def depends on the mic cuz my SM7 on my mackie and then on my RNP OMG!!!...mackie loses in every aspect ESPECIALLY in the high end...but with my marshal the results were pretty similar but the rnp did seem a tad 'warmer'
I also agree with the point of having different pre's giving a variety of "flavored" sounds!
Similar to owning a wide variety of condensors and dynamics which will offer you a wide range of different sound characteristics for your recording material.