FL studio


New member
Hello everyone.

I use FL studios to record and make beats. The problem is what when I hit record, and start singing over the beat, I hear myself in the headphones...

How do I toggle this off/on ?? I mean I would like to hear how does the reverb effect me before I record but while recording, I do NOT want to hear myself in the headphones...

Thanks in advance!
What's your setup? If you have interface then maybe turning the Mix knob (usually it's called Mix... or direct monitoring) will fix your problem.

Pretty unusual problem by the way... I mean 98% want to hear themselves while recording. :D
There's probably an option in the software to choose whether or not you want to monitor the incoming signal for each track while recording. Also make sure your interface is set to monitor only.
Yeah, I know that in Reaper you can toggle record monitoring on or off and I imagine other DAWs would be similar. I've only used FL Studio for making beats and such so I don't know for a fact, though.
Thanks guys, I will try that but I have another question too:

After I record something in FL studio, Thru let's say channel 2, and I hit play, it plays through the master channel.

Then how am I supposed to add compression to it? If I add compression in the Master channel, it applies to the beat too, and If I add compression to the channel I used to record, I doesn't affect anything because it all plays through the master channel!
you can assign every instrument to different mixer channel using channel settings window:
thanks! but now if I want to use one set of Reverb / compressor settings for verse and other settings for the chorus do I have to set verse to one channel and chorus to another?
Yeah, that's probably the best option. Other way would be making automations but it's more complicated.