FL studio or Reason??? j/k


New member
Just wanted to say that this whole argument between using FL Studio or Reason that I read about online is really funny... People say FL is a toy... Reason sounds more real...blah blah blah.... Anybody who's ever used both knows that they are so incredibly different, comparing them is irrelevant... Just wanted to mention that using them together Rewired is quite a nice experience for someone who hasn't had the opportunity to get in a studio with a whole rack, mixer, and the such.... Real time knob tweaks, great sounds, incredible flexibility, awesome.... Add them as slaves to a decent audio/midi sequencer (as fruity isn't the best for audio) and you've got quite a decent toy to play with... Just thought this was worth a little appreciative word of mouth...And wanted to pat the backs of all companies who support Rewire and asking others to join in the game!