FiveFish Studios X-12 mk500 2 Mic Preamp + A Designs HR500


New member
Alright, this one hurts to let go.

Where to start....

The case.
A Designs Audio HR 500
A Designs Audio

Basically this houses 2 500 seeries modules.
Excellent unit, solidly built, transformer well shield and in mint condition.

The Preamps

FishFish Studio X-12 mk500 Preamps x 2
X-12mk500 Mic Preamp

Basically these are clones of API's famous 312 or 512 preamp moduels.
Now, the thing that truely sets these preamps apart from any other X-12 or even API module
is the inclusion of latest version of a custom DOA(Discrete Op Amp) from Italy.
APP studio ingegneria
This DOA truely sent the preamp over the top. Ultra smooth highs and huge bottom end without ever getting poor sounding.
You can really push these preamps, but it never gets sharp sounding like the stock version did.

Like I said, I hate to let this go, but I have to stick with 4 or 8 channel 1u space preamp for my portable rig.

All units are mint.

Prices are as follows

Preamps + HR500 unit = SOLD!

HR500 = SOLD!

Preamps = SOLD!

Shipping addtional

Shipping from Ottawa, ON

Ebay memeber = rasia232 = perfect %100 rating



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