First time I let my voice be heard

Hey guys... I'm lovin all the replies.. :D

A1A2- I agree with the background vocals being horrible. The lead vox is set in stone, I just have to "get it right". That's a good idea with the guitar or keyboard. That would really help with "writing" a background vox part. It seems like I make it up as I'm recording it. Thanks for the compliment man. :)

Junplugged- Dude! I can't believe I missed your reply. Sorry bout that. Anyway... Mood is what I'm about.. Hopefully other people like it too.. :D Let me know if you find that song that you said you did that was similar. Believe it or not, I wrote this song on the acoustic. I've been playing it for months on the acoustic before I decided to record it. I wasn't really gonna do that because of the nature of the song. Pretty damn personal. But this is the first recording. I made up the other parts while recording. You are close, the only part I didn't know what the hell I was doing with was the background vox. It's a big part of the song, and I need to re-think it. I'll definetly be posting more after I take the time to record em. Thanks man. :)

Theron- I listened to the mix a couple of times after you mentioned bringing up the vox. I totally agree with bringing up the lead vox, but the background? I'm thinking I should lower it. :D Dude, the pressure is off? I feel like I'm singin if front of 50 people when I'm alone... lol.. You guys have made me a lot more confident though. I know I need lots of work, but at least I now know that maybe I can do it in the future. Yes, your help was appreciated, and the lead vox is going up. :D

I gotta get to work on this song. I will repost when I'm satisfied again with it. Thanks for all the replies guys. :)

Hey sp.....
very surreal man. I got a late 60's vibe from this as well. You know about the intonation issues w/ the vocals, so i wont go there. The levels sound a touch shy as well. I havent had the chance to hear anything from you before this..... so welcome man. ....looking forward to more.

definitely got a late 60's vibe from this.. good mood to this tune.. You already got better ideas than I could have offered.. keep on it!
Yeah, the level is lower now... but it does seem clearer... try setting the master faders at 0db and work to stop the clipping w/adjustments in levels/EQ on the track faders.

There could be many reasons why you're getting clipping... uneven performance on any instrument, esp. percussive ones... excessive buildup of one frequency range (e.g. if the bass & guitars overlap somewhere, then the vocals come in and overlap, too...)

Sounds like you need to do a bit of light-handed EQ work on this to get things to sit better... definitely a cleaner mix... the reverb isn't washing things out.

Is there a boost on the acoustics in the beginning? If so, it's adding some noise(hiss) to the track... at any rate, there's some hiss in there... could also be coming from the drum overheads... or a boost on them... sounds like a high-shelf (too much of one)

Interesting use of panning on the guitar you've got going... back & forth...

Bass sounds like it's the problem EQ wise... I think it's the acoustics and bass that are fighting; can't tell for sure... you could try rolling off everything under 150Hz on the acoustics...

Are you sending the bass to a reverb, at all? That could also be what's causing problems...

Performance wise... you're going flat on the vocals in the choruses... (the builds)...

Keep goin'

Yes there are some intonation problems,but I'm no Pavoratti myself.
I'd like to hear the vocals more upfront but it seems that I'm all by myself in that regard.
Yeah it's got that 60's thing going on blah,blah,blah...

Level was low too, but this song has a lot of dynamics.

Keep em coming!
interesting song, but work on singing in tune...and that takes work. Vocals are like any other musical instrument, only a lot more complicated. Trust me, it takes ALOT of practice and dedications to become a consistently great singer.
Here's something else I just learned.
Try doubling the vocal and use the second vocal as the lead.
I did this by accident.

Singing it the second time with the lead playing,I was much more relaxed and in tune.
Amature stuff,I know,but if it works,it works.:D