first time home recording set up


New member
sorry if this is in the wrong place, im new!

right, so im planning on having a fairly budget recording set up in my top floor bedroom (cliche noted), and i was wondering what people would suggest i should purchase. i already have a lexicon alpha interface, and will soon have a apple macbook, so i was thinking of running garageband at least at the start.

i was thinking of buying:

1 Sm57

1 Studio Projects B1 Large Condenser Mic

Edirol UM2EX 1x2 USB MIDI Interface

Behringer MS16 Studio Monitors (obviously not going to be great at all, but on a very tight budget and need to start somewhere!)

A couple of boom stands and a pop shield

how does all this sound?


Welcome to the site. You're in the right forum. Put room treatment high on your list. This will be the biggest single improvement to your mixes. It can be done fairly cheap, too. Browse through the Studio Build forum. Here's a link to a thread I have there where I show how I made acoustic panels as a DIY project. (Scroll down the thread a bit)

Have fun,