First song

There's a LOT of hiss on this song. What are you recording through... you can get low-budget equipment that'll sound a thousand times cleaner.

About the song... it's a little hard to judge without the vocals in there, but i'd love to hear the completed version. I like the guitar tone on the verse (what I think is the verse). When the heavy distortion kicks in (I guess the chorus) I'd try to turn down the gain a little. When recording you generally need less crunch compared to when playing 'live'.

good start though, the playing itself sounds nice and well-timed. Keep working on the mix and it'll become a nice tune. Good luck
Sounds like your distorted guitar in the chorus(?) was done with a line in off a cab...really bright and brittle sounding. To me, that needs the most tweaking.

I like the guitar work. I'd try to EQ the 'string squeaks' down a bit (although some folks like to hear that). Maybe simplify the bass part a bit...I dunno...just my opinion. Let us hear the lyrics and singing...Good luck.
Excellent advice guys. There is quite a few things I could have done alot better on. The hiss is from not having the recording volume at the best level. The amp was turned down way too low and the mic way too high so It was picking up alot of white noise (I guess that's what its called). I agree with the distortion guitar being bright and drummer has always called me "treble boy". I play through a Marshall so I know I can dial in a much richer sound, I just have to make myself do it. I'm a bass player who tries to play a guitar (not too well but its coming). Once we get the vocals in, I'll try to tone the distortion guitar down a bit and that should help.

I'm using Cubase VST 5 to record and I'm still learning how to use it. Once I get a couple of these projects under my belt, the sound quality should be better.

Again, thanks for the advice and I welcome anyone else's opinion.
Turn those drums up!
There's a definite lack of "punch" to the mix, I think raising the drums (and taking down some of the high end on them) would help...
I really liked some of the stuff when the song got a bit more "epic-y" towards the end, but over all there's just way too much treble and distortion which makes everything too thin.
Just my late-night thoughts for what they're worth... keep at it!