First rock mix


New member

This is my first rockmix :D

Some comments would be nice, I will be posting a gearlist if anyone is interested ;)

Have fun !!!
Bloor - Interesting tune. Weird arrangement - I like it!

Overall, the mix is pretty good. There's a little mud in the low end, and the bass guitar doesn't quite cut through. But, that actually may be intended as it sort of suits the song.

The arpeggiated guitar has a good sound, but I'm wondering if it should be more thin?

Drums sound nice. Calm and flat which suits the song well. Heavy drums would be overpowering.

Love the heavy guitars when they come in. Great recording, and they sit nicely in the mix. Lots of crunch.

Overall, its a good mix. If I were mixing it, I'd probably spend more time making the drums, guitars, and vocals have a more interesting sound. Its a weird song, and I personally think the instruments are basic sounding. A thin, effected arpeggiated guitar, tighter drums, and a layer of whispered vocals on the existing vocals would make the instruments as interesting sounding as the arrangement.

Nice work!