First "real" try at mixing / take a listen please


New member
Hey guys,

Here's a link for my brothers band. I demo'd out a track of one of there new songs. Thought i'd throw it up here and see what you guys think. I still consider myself an amateur at mixing, so any help and critique is welcome and appreciated!!

I know the overall level is low. Haven't gotten to that yet. So bare with me.
also, this is a hardcore/metal (whatever you want to call it) band. just trying to expand my horizons as an engineer.

Thanks, Jason

Equipment used...

Intel Mac 10.5
Pro Tools 7.4 M-powered
Firewire 410 interface
ART DPSII preamp
MXL 990 (vocals, overhead)
MXL v63m (overhead)
Senn e609 (guitar, snare)
Nady RSM4 (kick)
Sure SM58 (vocals)
Event 20/20bas monitors
Protools stock plugins
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Sorry, I wanted to listen and help you, and really gave it an honest try. But the vocals...

Understand, I am 41 years old and grew up on Judas Priest, not screamo or whatever that is.
hey, Rokket. I can upload the track instrumental only, i'd really like to get your opinion. Let me know.
No, mixes without vocals sound different. Even if you could tweak it to sound good without them, once you put them back in, you have to tweak again to give them space in the mix.
There are plenty of people who like your genre of music on this board. Just have a little patience and they will find it.
It sounds like it was recorded well...but drums seem to be very overpowering.

Edit: Vocals fit over the drums fine, guitars and bass are too low.
Hey Rokket, it's not all screamo.

Intro has some good building tension.
Performance is good.
vocals sit well.
snare seems lifeless to me. something a little more in the 4k range.
What's missing, what's missing... Lows. I'm not feeling the kick or bass too much. Not that they need to crank, but they aren't where they should be. As a matter of fact, the snare and kick sound similar, so some more notching the spectrum for each.
You might want to roll the the bottom off the guitars, too.

Did you mix this with the volume up?? I think a good sanity check is to listen with the volume below normal levels. You can hear things differently and gives you some perspective.

Enjoyed the listen....
thanks Chili and Guitarer. I listened on a few different sets of speakers in different rooms and made some adjustments, guitars were a little low. I worked on the snare and kick, but am still having a hard tome getting a nice punchy kick drum sound (it may be the ribbon mic i used). I also rolled off the guitars around 250 (originally at 100) to kind of clear everything up.

any other suggestions?

...i think i might use a kick drum sample and blend the two