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This is a instumental guitar tune I wrote after seeing Joe Satriani live a few months ago. I'm not normally an instumental "type" guitarist but Joe's performance inspired me.

I did the guitar parts in 3 seperate sections with slightly different tone. My wife played keyboards and did most of the programing

I did all the guitar!

I'd like some of your thoughts!

The song is called "Blue Sunrise"
Good guitar playing, the background music sound too "midi"ized. This would sound good with a full band live. Good jam!

The piano was recorded live as was the guitar and the bass... the only thing programed were the begining string parts and the drums... (only the kick drum was quantized) the hi-hat and ride are all over the place tempo-wise...(within reason of course)

As far as my wife's keyboard playing she IS too on the money at times... you know classically trained!!! plus if she hears a part a little off he will want to replay it.

I only wish I had some better cymbal sounds... i really hate them

Thanks for the comments

kick ass playing man ...nice tone too...
the snare sound is too mushy for me ...minor thing , im just gonna concentrate on that killer giutar playing......
the drums were programmed doesnt sound TOTALLY fake...which is hard to do .nice work on that ...
and for an instrumental its noce to see it come in around 3.5 minutes usually they go ON AND ON AND ON..really listener seriously nice rippin long have you been playing.??...if its less than 3 yrs dont bother answering that...:D
around 3:00 is that the bass drum ?...when all the rest drops out? it almost sounds reversed ???....

piano sounded fine btw..i just couldnt get past the guitar

I've been playing for about 21 years and I still make my living with the guitar... I'm a full time instructor (guitar) and play full time on the road in the summer...(resorts and casino's mostly)

Yup at around 3:17 the rest of the music drops out and it is just the kick/guitar(with wah pedal all the way up) and keys... a sort of out of phase sound on purpose... if there is such a thing :)

Thanks for the kind words about my playing

Real good guitar sounds, and real good playing. Nice punchy bass too.

The drums didn't bother me too much. I thought they were ok.

I like vocals, but hey we can't have everything. :)

Good job. Trip...

I usually have vocals on my stuff and have a tune in the process of being approved on my site...

Thanks a lot for the comments

The only thing i really hate are the cymbal sounds... I've tried everything I can think of to make them better.. different eq'ing panning etc... but still, I'm just not happy with them...

Very nice sound as well as playing. The drums are the only weak area the way I hear it.

Great job
Killer recording, awesome guitar work, everything sounded clean and clear, very nice guitar tones...
Your wife did a great job too....
You definitely got the Satriani vibe going...

Yo Shred,

You've 'chopped some wood' in your day....Nice guitar work!

Husband & wife team here too! Sweet! Do you gig together also? My wife gigs w/ me 50% of the time depending on the job, but leaves the recording stuff to me:(

Being more of a player than recording technique expert,I leave the mixing comments alone and usually comment on music, execution & have it all happening quite nicely!:D

VERY VERY damn nice! The only thing I heard was the guitar, just couldn't get past it. Sounds like a pretty damn good mix too. Looking forward to hearing more.

Thanks a lot for the compliments on my playing... It is much more meaningful when it is you guys saying it and not some drunk in a bar screaming YOU ROCK..(now play som AC/DC) LOL!

Yes, My wife and I gig all the time... and in the summer we tour the midwest... mostly resorts and casinos ($$$).

This recording is going to be on a CD that we are going to sell at gigs this summer!

again thanks for listening

Hey Shred

Great tune! Loved the guitar work. I think that the bass line - although nice and clean and punchy - could use some variety. It was fairly cut and dry rhythmically. Maybe some syncopation towards the end as everything builds up.

Good clean mix
