first pair of monitors


New member
So I've decided to get away from consumer grade speakers and buy some monitors. My budget is pretty low (with a max of maybe 800). The Alesis Mk2's have been suggested to me, as have Event 20/20's. I've also heard about KRK v4's. Suggestions anyone?
Thanks a lot!

Well it depends on the recordings you make. As a professional system, the Alesis is the wrong choice. I don’t like them at all. If you try to build a studio on a budget, I gotta tell you that there are better systems than that, e.g. the Tannoy Reveal Active. I wrote an article about low-cost studio-monitors on which you can download here (Sorry, German only). For professional use, there is no better system than the Genelec 1031A with the 1092A subwoofer which I use in both of my studios. The Mackie system is also a good choice. The event should be okay, though I never really worked with them…
I also have under $900 to invest onmonitors, I really want to go with Genelec, is there a big difference between the 1029 and the 1031?
Yes; it is. The 1031A are much better. The 1029 are okay for beginners, but for professional use, only the 1031A are a good choice. The 1029 aren’t loud enough and the sound isn’t that good. I use them since 1993 and wouldn’t miss them…
Miescha said:
For professional use, there is no better system than the Genelec 1031A with the 1092A subwoofer which I use in both of my studios. The Mackie system is also a good choice. The event should be okay, though I never really worked with them…

no better than 1031a with the 1092a subwoofer...

i belive there are a few monitors just as good as that combo if not better...

Adam,Blue sky,hafler trm8.1 w/trm12.1.

thats all i can think of off top...

i've seen a few major studios with the big genelec's in the walls and krk V8 with ns-10's on the ssl 9000...

I have the passive Event 20/20s being driven by a external power amp. When I first got them I was impressed, not by how the sounded, but by how well my mixes sounded on home and car stereos. Previously I the age old problem of the mixes only sounding good on the monitors.

Recently, I added a digital EQ/RTA to the signal path. I have the eq set up such that when running pink noise through 20/20s, the RTA indicates a flat response. Now my mixes sound good everywhere!
Re: 20/20s

jgourd said:
Recently, I added a digital EQ/RTA to the signal path. I have the eq set up such that when running pink noise through 20/20s, the RTA indicates a flat response. Now my mixes sound good everywhere!
Really? Even with all the phase shifts you introduced into your monitoring path by EQ'ing your monitors in this way???

Just so you know, if it works for you great, but this generally isn't an advisable practice...........
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While the phase shift is there in the monitors, the net result is that the mixes do sound better on general playback equipment than they did before.