First mp3 here (Bluesy/jazzy/electronic)


New member
This is my first post at the Home Recording bbs, so firstly - HI all :D

This is one of the first songs i've done going for the more natural/human touch. So most keyboards were live in with some 'humane' quantising hehe carefully done. But drums are totally quantised, so probably sound really artificial.. Would like tips on making those drums sounding more human (i know, it's crying out for ghost notes hehe). Or any general mixing/mastering tips. Thanks!

Reflekshun - You'll get through it:
192kbps version: - You'll Get Through It.mp3

128kbps version & stream versions
Hello Refleckshun,
I like the overall idea and the guitarish sounding synths as well. I am a drummer and my main complaint is that the drum part is too simple - it needs a little more imagination...if ya like I could do some midi drum tracks for ya and e-mail em to would be quicker than trying to explain it.
un saludo,
el jordo
interesting mix of influences; kind of a bluesy new age electronica piece. I agree about the drums ... accent some appropriate half beats and it'll have much more bite.
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just the title turned me on already, i've always loved electronic music with some jazz flavor or vice versa. Do you listen to K&D, thevery corporation and alikes? Pretty cool stuff

Hey thanks alot for all your comments and encouragement!

Jordokid, i'd love to have a peek at some midi drum arrangements, i'd really appreciate that. contact me at (yeah too n's). Lately i've been trying to watch/talk to/squeeze information out of drummers to get some ideas that i could use to liven up midi drums.

A1A2 - no i haven't heard those bands - i must check them out though! they're on my 'to listen' list now :D
OK Refleck,
I will try to do some rough midi drums to give you an idea of what I might do. Pretty ironic that you might find advice from a guy who lives in Spain - I am about as far away from you as I can get without leaving the planet. Doncha love internet¿
stay tooned,
el jordo