First mix with "real" Bass


New member
This is my first attempt to create a song using a "real" bassguitar, shure that here i could do much bedder, any suggestions?

Thank you!
Im on phones so its hard for me to be accurate but the bass sounded good to me, I felt the guitars needed to come down a bit

like I say hard to tell on phones...nice performance though
Thank you for your answer!
I have to take down a bit the guitar and use another settings... Maybe you can listen to it later on your Monitors :rolleyes:?
Here is an update, changed the setting of the guitars completely!

Any suggestions to make them sound bedder?


Hi machinehater,

I too am on headphones at the moment, but I think I preferred the original guitar tone to the newer one. I agree that the level needed to come down a bit but I think the new tone is a lot muddier. Maybe keep the new tone be revisit EQ?

Just my two cents..
I agree with the first guitar and bring up the bass a bit. There are things I liked about the alternate. I like to heard it with both, maybe spanned across the stage.
Nice guitar tone. I thought the bass sounded pretty good.
Mix sounds nice too. How about the whole song and with vocals?

Benvenuto sul sito!

Joey :):):):)
Oh my god, what happened? Yesterday, at 3 am the guitars sounded incredible direct and "in the face", and today i hear that there is only MUD... I hope i just messed up something on the export. Until Saturday i will post an update.

@ Joey: Ciao ;)! Thank you =)! Anyway i have to change the whole thing! This is the complete "song", i toke just something to try the recording of the bass and a new guitar sound, but there are songs with vocals to come ;)!
