First Drum Recording!!!


Poser Roaster
Hailz guys and gals.. Most of you know me for my death metal classics but here is a song for you guys to check out. I wondered what you thought of the first attempt at mixing in some real drums...

Thanks for the feedback in advance, as it is always appreciated...
Toms sound pretty good. The kick is pure click and has no low end. Need a boost in the 60 to 100hz range. What mic are you using on the kick? I can't see getting that thin of a sound out of a kick.

Anyway. Kick needs bottom and because of that it will need more 3 to 5k too keep up on the click (I think). Snare is not very full but sounds ok. I'd mess around adding a bit around 150 give or take 100hz and also in the 4 to 5k range or better yet you could try scooping the middle a little bit and only bosst around there a hair.

Are you using any compression?

Before I let this go I have to say that learning real drums is the single most difficult thing I have tried to do as far as recording and mixing goes. I am just starting to feel like I have the nut half way cracked;) If this is your first shot you have done well.

Thanks!!! Yes it is indeed my first try and I used 3 mic's. I EQ'd those frequencies out of the kick because it was a little boomy and overpowering. Let me allow those frequencies back in a bit and repost. I must have suffocated the tone. Not to mention that was definately not a kick drum mic I used. It was an AKG vocal mic. Beta 58 on the snare and Octava MK219 over the right shoulder of the drummer.

Thanks for the insight I appreciate it!

Yes I am using a little compression but only the nuendo vst dynamics plug. I dont have any hardware persay to employ...

OK... I let those low end frequencies back in. Sound better?
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Ya with what you have to work with the kick is going to take some hard core eq. You might be able to leave up the click centered around 4k and leave up some boom centered at around 90hz. Then you could pull down above and below those freq's. That might thin out the bottom and still leave it there.

The other thing with kick is to work on the drum. It's better to put a blanket in the kick to get the sound you want than try to fix it with the eq. It's pretty much impossible to fix a bad kick recording but you may be able to make it ok.

good luck

Drums are way too low in the mix. Can't really comment on their sound cuz they be buried. What I can hear, they sound okay. I didn't hear your first mix, so I can't tell if the bass drum got any better, but from what I can barely hear of it now, it sounds okay. The clean accompanying guitars sound good, but are too loud. The vocals are too low. Bass guitar is too low too. Lead sounds good, but again, buried. Basically, I think if you bring down those clean backing guitars, the other stuff will pop out better and you can tweak them from there. Cool song though.