First attempt to burn to CD . . .


Active member
I'm at the point where I may be ready to try and put these tunes onto a CD.

I've got Cubase SX, Motif 6, Mona and a PC.

Is it possible to do this without some additional software - it seems like the general consensus is you need mastering software to get a good sound onto a CD.

Any comments or suggestions?


You can probably use Cubase to do the mastering if you have the right plug-ins. I prefer mastering in a standalone program (e.g., Wavelab), but a mutlitrack program should work in a pinch.

Export the finished mix to a wave file and reimport the wave into a new project. Season to taste. Re-export to a dithered 16 bit wave and burn to CD.
Cool - thanks for the info.

Hopefully I'll be able to get something half-way decent out of this.
