First 8-Bit attempt


New member
The title says it all really. But whatever feedback you wonderful people could give me would be great :)

Wow, I have no idea about this kind of recording, but if it were live tunes, the one thing I might suggest is to bring up the kinda secondary lead part that starts around 30 seconds or so. I can hear it, But it might feel more "harmony like" if it were just a touch louder. Maybe I'm crazy though.. Like I said, I have no clue about what you're doing, that's just what I hear. Everything else sounds good. Nice work.
Overall its a bit muddy sounding, I would scoop out a little of the low mids and boost the highs and high mids.

Maybe scale back the "bass" line a bit. That would probably solve both the muddiness and all the other instruments not cutting through.

Pretty cool overall though. I always enjoy chiptunes.
Yup the bass kinda muddies it all...its pretty mid heavy...liked the wee tune tough, fun!
Sounds cool. As someone who once spent countless hours parked in front of a SNES console, I can state emphatically that this sounds very authentic.

It is awfully bassy though as noted above.

For the uninitiated, how does one go about creating something like this? I've always wondered...Are you able to perform parts (not sure where you'd obtain those sounds or what you'd play them with) in real time, and simply mix them together, or is it all just assembled in the box somehow? Just curious - thanks.
I thought it sounded kind of cool. Not something I'd listen to a thousand times. But it moved very well for an instrumental.

Did you fix the low end? I see you have a lot of comments, but it didn't seem to be a big issue to me. Maybe I just have bad ears today.
What tools do you use for this kinda of thing?
It's more advanced, sure, but it really reminds me of the old Amstrad CPC464.

I was always tempted to buy one again just to use whatever composition software you could get on them, but I guess there are easier ways nowadays.

Cool sounding tune.

Anyone else seeing a side-scoller develop in their minds?
Wow, I'm never leaving my computer for a day, so mant comments! But I think I sorted the muddiness, Hi-pass filter, cut mids and added high end :). I just used Logic 9 Pro. Used the ES1 synth that comes with Logic and Magical 8-bit plug (google it, a cracking synth!). Thanks for all the positive notes, I'll try and post the new version
For the uninitiated, how does one go about creating something like this? I've always wondered...Are you able to perform parts (not sure where you'd obtain those sounds or what you'd play them with) in real time, and simply mix them together, or is it all just assembled in the box somehow? Just curious - thanks.

It's just synths, like I said Logic and the other synth, fun to play around with :)
Yup, I think that's an improvement. Bass is still pumping pretty good here, but it's more of a good pumping now. Well done.
I feel like the actual bass line is still a bit loud. I guess it's better, but that's still the single loudest part of the mix most of the time.

Drums could stand to come up a bit too.
I'll see what happens if I take the bass down a few notches and I'll mess around with the side-chain to see if I can find a better mix drum wise.
Here we go, any better bass wise?
That sounds much better, you cleared up the low mids as I mentioned in my last post.
The low end is fine, it may be tad more than the original style sound but I like it as it is, so nothing wrong in my ears here.

Good stuff,