Firewire audio interface/mixer recommendations.....


New member
Hi all,
My band has been using Reaper to record our practices and we need some recommendations on an audio interface/mixer. We need something that uses Firewire, has phantom power and will take at least 4 XLR inputs.
Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
Why not just go with a usb interface? they're just as good aren't they? A usb interface that meets this criteria is the fast track ultra. Also only going with firewire its going to limit your options. The one I suggested is retail for about 350$ new and is really pretty good for what it is/does.
I run a Presonus Firestudio with Reaper and have no problems at all. Has all of your requirements (and then some). I would highly reccomend it.
Why not just go with a usb interface? they're just as good aren't they? A usb interface that meets this criteria is the fast track ultra. Also only going with firewire its going to limit your options. The one I suggested is retail for about 350$ new and is really pretty good for what it is/does.

I have the same question. Why firewire? Kinda like buying a new XP PC. Just not a good idea to buy stuff that is being left in the dust.
I decided to go with Firewire because the quality is supposed to be better than USB, because I have Firewire on both Mac and PC laptops that we use at band practice, and also because I have been told that this is the best way to get each mic'ed instrument straight into individual tracks on my recording software.
Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
You heard this from someone who has a biased opinion then. There is a reason you cant purchase a new PC laptop with a firewire port. It lost the battle it seems. It will obviously take a while for the manufacturers to catch up. Yes, firewire had the initial frenzy of hardware devices, but in the end, it is not the game winner anymore. I am not a MAC guy so really have not a clue about the whole Thunderbolt deal. But when it comes to diversity and getting the most possible options with recording gear and software, PC and USB is the way to go in my opinion. It amazes me to still hear firewire guys say that USB 2.0 is inferior to firewire and cannot handle more than 8 tracks at once. As I record 16 simultaneous without issue. USB 3.0 will allow even more-without the instability of different chipset versions of firewire cards that have plagued users for years. Like I said, there is a reason firewire is not included on new computers. Take the hint and move on to the next generation or be the guy with XP that is afraid to upgrade to W7. Btw, that was Dave's idea. :D
And to give my personal opinion on an interface to use in your situation, as it has worked for me without fail ever, Tascam 1800 will give you the most bang for the buck at $300 bones. By far the most economical and flexible interface for recording multiple inputs. It's drawback is that it cannot be expanded beyond 16 tracks and only has two outs for outboard gear. For recording rehearsals and mixing in the box, it can not be beat for value and flexibility of inputs.
I've been running PCs and Macs side by side now for about 15 years for graphics and audio work. Even though Apple now rival Microsoft in the ability to release new operating systems that are dysfunctional and faulty, Macs are by far much more punishable and able to take the pressure than Windows OS's. Always have been and probably always will.
Yeah-I'm one of those guys that upgraded to Win 7 only to find it no better than XP (they can't even provide a decent inclusive email application now), I'm one of those guys that knows the next generation probably belongs to Apple.
In terms of audio interface, the band is tossing up between the Presonus Firestudio and the M-Audio Fast Track.
I've been running PCs and Macs side by side now for about 15 years for graphics and audio work. Even though Apple now rival Microsoft in the ability to release new operating systems that are dysfunctional and faulty, Macs are by far much more punishable and able to take the pressure than Windows OS's. Always have been and probably always will.
Yeah-I'm one of those guys that upgraded to Win 7 only to find it no better than XP (they can't even provide a decent inclusive email application now), I'm one of those guys that knows the next generation probably belongs to Apple.
In terms of audio interface, the band is tossing up between the Presonus Firestudio and the M-Audio Fast Track.

Well then, with no disrespect meant in any way, I will say this; If you are concerned about a decent inclusive email application on a unit that is intended for recording, then you are not taking the recording seriously. Asking a computer to multitask applications for your convenience is just not a good idea on any platform. I would never convolve recording with internet searches just because there is too much to risk. Windows 7 IMO, has been solid for me from the get go. And Oh have I been through the wringer with Vista..... Yes there is a bit of work to optimize a PC, but the flexibility and options given to third party software, I vote PC hands down.
Do not come onto my thread and tell me how serious I am about recording. Seriously mate - pull your fucking head in and get into the crappy PC vs Mac debate with someone else. I only came on here to get some advice on an audio interface. Vista? Who gives a fuck.
Wow man. I didn't get into a debate. I just gave my opinion. You asked for it dood. I started my response with "no disrespect meant in any way". I did not judge you, and gave my advice. If you want to hear people give advice or opinion that only give answers that make you happy, then don't come here. Don't judge me. Go take your attitude elsewhere dumbass.
You found a way to take an opinion/advice as an assault somehow. While you consider your question in this thread as personal property, I suggest that you realize that you have no ownership to this thread as your own. You came here to ask others opinions. How do you figure that I disrespected you and your supposed 'owned' thread? F*** your closed minded ass. You are sticking your own head in stinky places by taking offense to an opinion that you asked for. I never judged you and have no desire to call you out. You seem to form judgments without knowing anything about whom you are talking to. So guess what, dumbass, good luck in our quests to learn anything. I for one, have no desire to help you in any way now. Why the hell would you put yourself in a position to be put off in a forum based on sharing experience? Just get off your ego trip and start listening. Seriously man, I am the last guy around here that you should go off on. I go out of my way to try to help everyone who asks. You look like a fool calling me out.
Do not come onto my thread and tell me how serious I am about recording. Seriously mate - pull your fucking head in and get into the crappy PC vs Mac debate with someone else. I only came on here to get some advice on an audio interface. Vista? Who gives a fuck.

Mike - your asking for advice and Jimmy is one of the most helpful and experienced members on the board - he gave you solid advice and recommendations which is what you asked for. "Don't come into my thread?" you need to chill dude. There was absolutely no call for a response like the one you made here.

You ask for advice then you don't like it and you tell the people giving you advice to fuck off? Take some deep breaths man - no reason to get all shitty with the people who are trying to help you.
Whoa, not the turn I was expecting :eek:
Hey do you know a guy named offcenter ? :rolleyes:

LOL! I wonder? I really do not wish to create an argument or enemy here. I am just thrown off by someone who asks a question only to be offended by an answer. I would much rather hear some good dick jokes or go fishing.

To Mike J; Truce man. I do not wish to make this an escalating argument. Lets just move on man. Jimmy
For the record, I was involved in professional audio for 35+ years and, after starting in the analogue world, moved onto computers. I've used systems based around the Windows OS and the Mac OS. I'm happy to state categorically that neither system is inherently superior to the other. Both can work reliably and well and both can be screwed up by people messing around with settings or trying to install extra software that messes with the DAW function.

Anybody trying to tell us that one is good and one is bad is clearly a pompous ass who doesn't know what he's talking about.

So, Mike_J, I'm happy to fuck off and leave your thread--and your arrogance--alone. I wish you well in your recording endeavours but somehow suspect you will spend a bunch of money, get crap results, then try to blame everything but your own attitudes for the problems.
LOL! I wonder? I really do not wish to create an argument or enemy here. I am just thrown off by someone who asks a question only to be offended by an answer. I would much rather hear some good dick jokes or go fishing.

To Mike J; Truce man. I do not wish to make this an escalating argument. Lets just move on man. Jimmy

Truce? Sure - why not. I only came here to get some information. If you read the posts you might see that its not the answers I find offensive but honestly, when you make a judgement call on someone's musical integrity/commitment (albeit on an amateur basis) because they have computer requirements don't match what you would call ideal, what sort of response do you really expect? I'm willing to bet there are a lot of bands and musicians that operate the same way my band does-reliant on email, ftp, app upgrades etc etc and because of financial and resource constraints, find it necessary do be constantly network connected. Again, might be wrong.
True that internet threads are not literally owned but it is pretty common courtesy to stay on topic. The Mac vs PC debate is just old, tired and droll at the best of times though I would say all things computer based are not equal and some OS and apps are best suited for particular tasks. Computers in my experience are always multitasking, even if it is under the hood. Again, might be wrong.

And hey Bobbsy - thanks for your post. Even though it has nothing to do my original question, its a bit of relief that all us industry professionals in graphic design, film and tv post production, etc etc have all been wrong in our choice of Mac OS. I guess all the problems we had with PC speed, reliability and performance must have been a case of the infamous "operator error".