firepod or motu 896 pre's


New member
Which unit is better. I know it's been asked, but I never saw a direct answer. The 896 has it's XLR connections on the back which would be nice with my rack gear. The firepod is cheaper, but has the connections on the front so I'd have to bring my snakes out the front of the desk....YUCK!! I know that may seem like a little thing, but it's the little things in studio life...etc, etc.

I also heard the motu pre's are not as nice as the presonus firepod? questions questions.

I'm also doing the royer MXL 2001 mod this week so I'll post my little adventure as I go. They said that they are discontinuing the mod kit, and replacing it with a new mojave audio mic for a $1000. Looks pretty nice.

Thanks for the help in advance, this board is the one of the most incredible resources I've ever found.
I would assume the MOTU to be better conversion ... but I keep reading about PC users with MOTU driver issues ...
While I'm on OSX so the motu Drivers would be fine. The AD/DA converts are not such an issue between IO's anymore (in this price range anyway.) However, the clock and the built mic pre's could make all the difference. Any thoughts on that one???