Fingernail pain


New member
This has really been bugging me. For the past 6 months, the fingernail on my left hand ring finger has felt like it's ingrown. But as far as I can tell, it's not. I play guitar several hours everyday, and I'm afraid that's the problem. I can't just stop playing thought, unless I'm sure that will make this go away.

It's not so painful that I can't play, just painful enough to be really anoying sometimes. I'm forced to keep that fingernail extremely short, and that's helped a little. Has anyone delt with this problem before?
I have never had nail problems when playing guitar. I've had a hangnail or two, but that's usually fixed by cutting your nails straight across the top and not biting them. And sometimes I get an accumulation of dead skin right next to the nail that can be cut off with no pain, but again it's because I didn't cut them straight across.

I would see a doctor about it.

Only when they're being pulled out with pliers...

I think Cyrock's right, off to the doctor you go... and you'll probably need to give it a rest for a while. I get sore tendons from stretching my fretting hand every now and then, just have to rest, no other way around it.