Finding others sound.


New member
Is there a place or a way to find out how certain musicians get a certain sound?
I know this is a blanket question, but I really don't know how to ask it more specifically.
I have a Les Paul and Marshall head w/ 4x12 cabinet which is great for most 70s stuff (I really need to get some kind of tremolo effect though), but for say Alice in Chains or even more recent stuff there are so many options that I often get sensory overload when searching for sounds.

Background... I have several stomp boxes for distortion, chorus, delay etc. (no tremolo) I have a digitech Guit processor that I still haven't really delved into and of course a wah pedal which I enjoy mostly just leaving in one position for sizzle or whatever.
To not limit this thread to guitar, let me say, I heard an old VanHalen tune today that had a drum sound that sounded like a flange effect on the kick for just 1 beat out of maybe 8 measures before repeating. Cool, but weird. I think they're just f**kin with me.

I guess I'm just trying to find a shortcut. I have often messed around with the Eq or tone controls on my guitar or switched guitars or just backed off the gain a bit and increased the bass then found all I really needed to do was to wet the stack down with beer and do the take before the cones dried(again 70s stuff).

Thanks in advance for all responses.

P.S. aside from snatching the pebble how will I know when it's time to move from the newbie forum or where to better post such a vague question?
Danelectron said:
P.S. aside from snatching the pebble how will I know when it's time to move from the newbie forum or where to better post such a vague question?

When you understand which forum to post in you will know that the time is right.

All your other concerns can often be answered by the mighty
Danelectron said:

P.S. aside from snatching the pebble how will I know when it's time to move from the newbie forum or where to better post such a vague question?

A lot of people make their first and last post in the "Newbie" forum.LOL.There is NO need for that to ever happen.Just go to the main page where ALL of the forums that are offered here are listed.Pick one that you think is applicable to your question.The main forums page is located here.
Thanks Kramer and Tex!

I've been watching this forum off and on for a couple of years and notice that a lot of the subject matter is repetitive, which is understandable since new people come along with the same questions. I often see chastising in the form of "check the FAQs" or whatever. Maybe that person hadn't yet snatched that pebble.
I feel this entire forum is for newbies, but can understand why someone with 15000 posts and 75 times that many views might lose patience with someone who asked the wrong question in the wrong room. Especially multiple posts. This question, as vague as it is, could fit into the guitar forum or maybe best in other equipment. Honestly though, I believe Tex hit it right on the google thing. This is one of those things that one has to just have an ear for or read all the drugstore mags you can get your hands on.
I will continue to wander the world in search of my brother forever appreciative of all the help on the way.
Thanks dudes.

Danelectron said:
all I really needed to do was to wet the stack down with beer and do the take before the cones dried(again 70s stuff).

Ok.. are you really pouring beer on your speaker cones? I would think that would have to warp them eventually or at least void the manufacturers warranty LOL!
Ok.. are you really pouring beer on your speaker cones? I would think that would have to warp them eventually or at least void the manufacturers warranty LOL!

Absolutely NOT. I was merely, sarcastically, trying to convey my frustration at spending too much time searching for an elusive tone/overtone or effect. Although once at a drive-in movie in high school we laid a speaker on its back and filled it with beer and as hard as it may be to believe, it actually sounded like the guy was talking underwater. Gurgles and all. It was hilarius. Those speakers are bullet proof though.
I guess I should be careful of putting ideas in peoples heads. Don't try this at home folks.
Softcell did a song back in the eighties with a gurgle on the vocals. I wonder if they had to search for an effect or if they had just been to the drive-in.
I could tell by the sound of your laugh that you didn't really believe someone would do such a thing, but thanks for the response. I would hate to have left such a statement without a disclaimer and maybe driven a frustrated guitar player to try such a drastic measure. Now I'm curious though. ;)
