Finally...some new ish


New member
What’s good? Been awhile since I posted…lost my business, moved to a new apartment, just lots of stuff going on. Hope everything is good with y’all.

Got a bunch of new beats up and I really need some feedback on the mixes. I gotta use headphones at the new place and I’m not really used to doing that. So let me know how these sound please.


Sweat – Summer/spring time type jam.

Times Get Tough – Trials and tribulations style epic joint.

Listen Up – Upbeat, sparse arrangement.

Say It Again – West Coast flavoring, kinda sparse, upbeat.

Fanfare – Album cut, mellow ish.


Chord Progressions – How to build a simple chord progression. I breakdown the one I made in the 1st Live vid.

The Weekend Project – Sampling a bunch of household sounds to make a beat.

Working w/A Budget Set Up (Less than $500)– Using an Akai S2000, Yamaha RM1X and the padKontrol.

Inside A Live Session – Shows how software (well, at least Live) can be used without a mouse…just a simple beat.

PadKontrol vids
Getting Started w/padKontrol and Reason Adapted
PadKontrol Tips and Tricks
PadKontrol Roll Revisited

Live vids
Setting up a Control Surface for Live

I’m gonna get at those beat comp threads when I get home tonight and I’ll return any links if you got em.
Man that's no good. Things are crazy here too. Just keep your head up and things'll get back to normal in no time homie.
You have not missed a step man! Music sounds Good!
Glad to have you back around, I always dug your music......... :cool:


Well since its a bunch of beats to peep I will just let u know which ones I was feeling.

"Times Get Tough"
I like this beat right here man. Im going through some things in my life right now so this kind of helps me pour it all out. Helps me know that I can better myself and dont have to be stressed ne more. Nice work. I love the guitar on this track.

Lovin the drum arrangement on this track. I love the pizz(i think) and slight strings in this track. Good work.

Im goin to check out the vids now.


Times Get Tough - new classic right there. There was some serious emotion in that track. Lovin that.

Say It Again has like an 80's feel to it. Like you'd hear it in background in Beverly Hills Cop. I can dig it but it's not sticking out as much in my head

Listen Up - I'm loving everything but the sub you used. It just seems to throw the track off. Almost like it needs to be lowered in pitch just a little bit.

Fanfare - Same thing...the keys are SICK crazy but the sub is throwing it off. Like it should be there but not have as much presence until you feel it on some 10's or 12's

BTW I know it's an old beat but Long Time Comin is classic, I need to write something to rip that.

Thanks for the feedback everybody.

Fiev, thanks for the comment on the bass situation with those tracks…so you’re saying it’s basically too midrangy? I think these headphones (AKG 240S) hype the bass a little...gonna have to try to learn them better I guess.
Yeah I'm thinking something low and in the back will help these tracks get more presence. The rest is gravy...I can dig it.

Hell I give you props just for doing it all in Acid....I never could make heat that way.

Stay is back in the Building...sorry to hear about the business..but you will land back on your feet and good thing will come is always..stay up..and keep intouch with the Camp..
Thanks for the feed...but I don't use Acid I guess I don't deserve those didn't get an email, but my main account recently got hacked, so that may be why. Hotmail's acting up right now for me too...I'll get it sorted out and hit you up this PM.

Anyone check out the vids at all?
Stray is in rehab folks...he is officially off of Acid!!!!

So what's your method of madness now?

lol...I still use it occasionally, but don't tell my counselor.

My main sequencer right now is Live.
Yeah I know a lot of folks who use Live. I've been tempted to try it myself....just to see how it flows with me.
Live is a beast of a program….I HIGHLY recommend it. You gotta spend time learning it though…it works a lot different than most other apps. The included tutorials are phenomenal at getting you going.

And to the other cats checking these links out and not posting comments…I’d really love to hear what y’all have to say…especially cats who aren’t liking what they’re hearing. Knowing that helps me grow and I appreciate the positive feedback…but some brutal honesty would be nice too.

Also, no one checked out the vids? Again, I can handle negative feedback…I’d just like to know what cats on here think….honestly. I’m trying to make some decisions on what direction to focus my attention and feedback would definitely help.

Either way…thanks for checking this stuff out.
sorry Stray..they got youtube blocked here at work (US Navy) so I cant view the videos..:d
You know my critique on the tracks but I haven't peeped the vids yet...been web designing.

Stray, If I could push any influence on you, it'd be this...

Stick to sampling. All your stuff is dope, but the sampled stuff I hear from you, is just SICK. The way you flip guitar melodies and all, and the chops are fluid, fam. You're in another level on that compared to most.

Just my opinion.
ooh just wanted you to know I was feelin that "Times Get Tough" (should be your feature song by the way) and "Fanfare" has the Timbaland drum arrangement to it..nice.. "Sweat" got me hearing Fantasia singing on it for some reason.. "Listen Up" and "Say It Again" both have a nice feel to i said before the music is fiya...stay grindin :D