Finally on MP3 - Feedback please...


New member
I don't know what the blindfolded smoking man means, but I like him. Anyway, my "band" name is PEACE, the cd title is "Stronger Than You Know". Give a listen to the song "Crazy Over You". It was recorded in 1994 on a Fostex E-16. I sing the harmony, play bass, guitar, drum program. Scroll down under the Dan Peek cd's and you'll find it. Thanks!
The beginning melody or the chorus of the song "Pure & Lovely" is remeniscent of America's song "Lonely People". :cool:

[This message has been edited by migo (edited 07-15-2000).]
actually, if you post the url in the mp3 mixing clinic, you would have gotten more people to listen and comment, because that's where it's done...hint hint...gibs
Yea,I know GIBS, but I thought I would go to the REAL experts. You know, THE SONGWRITERS... kmar
I didn't mean to offend you and sorry if you took it that way....I simply stated where the post should be if you want responses to yer stuff....why should you be any different than the rest of us who are also SONGWRITERS.......gibs
No-No Gibs, no worries here. I'm quite chilled. Don't let my lack of communication skills leave you with the idea that I'm hacked at your comments! That's what I get for trying to sneak my stuff in the "back door". PEACE kmar :D
Good song!...Does sound like America, but if this is Dan Peek (KMAR), then well it should.
Saw Dan Peek years ago solo in LA, was really impressed. Keep up the MP3's!
Dougie- Dan doesn't play or sing on this one. Since I grew up on his sound, I tend to sound like him. I do the harmony. Glad you like it.

Mutt, thanks. Recorded on an old FOSTEX E-16 with an ALLEN/HEATH board. I mixed the tamborine a bit too hot, but otherwise it's ok. PEACE kmar
No Dougie, I mean, I have seen some strange mutterings about an f***ing rake- is that what you mean? I'm all ears!