Finally found a decent vocalist - check him out!


New member
Here's the first song of mine featuring an actual singer.

What do think of it in terms of composition and (vocal) performance?

Also: Does anyone have some advice on mixing this highly dynamic stuff?

Looking forward to your comments

The singer sounds like he would be good at Irish folk songs but he was way out of his element on this one. He was struggling badly to hit the higher notes and once he reached the note he abruptly stopped rather than holding the note and letting it decay naturally. The music sounds very robotic and fake like it was done with all midi instruments. Sorry but that's how it sounds to me.
I can hear him struggling a little bit. Now it's obvious that this guy is a vocalist, so stuggling for him is, in the grand scheme of things, not too big of a deal. I think it becomes easier to criticize a musician when the sound they put out is obviously competent. You can hear that this guy knows what he's doing, and he nails most of it. There are a few parts that dont sound excellent, but they also doesn't sound bad. I'd say that overall, he did a great job. There's a little big of a twang in his voice that I'm not used to, but the same can be said about alot of vocalists with an element of uniqueness. Overall nicely done!
I liked his voice...had a few control issues, otherwise not bad. Could have added a bit more verb to smooth things out some. Song is good, nice arrangement, good musicianship, could stand a bit more production. Overall.....I liked it, sounds good!!!
a curtain of EYERON?
The voice is fine - sometimes a bit of an odd accent pops in - the twang I guess.
Mate, if he sings better than you OR, more importantly, invests more conviction in the song & projects it in a way YOU are comfortable with, you're ahead of the game.
Let him sing the song into his head for a few weeks & retrack it to see if there's any diff.
I'd love a drummer for my stuff as I have 2 singers I'm REALLY comfy with that I can call on & collaborate with. Drummer - bummer.
Thanks for your comments. I'll let the singer know what you guys think. He's the best singer I could get hold off - which isn't that easy. He's german by the way - that should explain the accent.

Any comments on the compositon? Is the song worth buying if it was recorded professionally?
Typing as I'm listening...
Nice piano sound.
I honestly didn't think this song was that interesting until about 1:00 in. Sounds real cool there. Love how it drops out and back to solo piano right after that.
That guitar solo is awesome, really fitting for the music. I'd almost like to hear a little more thickness on that solo. Maybe some double tracking or so.
Nice ending too, maybe a little abrupt... actually throwing since it looped it actually sounded good with the 0:00 to 0:14 piano riff for the ending to the song.
Anyway, hearing the rest of the song made me like the intro part more the next listen. Cool stuff, and sorry... I'm a guitar player... so I kind of focused on everything but the guitar... the singer sounded good to me ;)