Finally bought the Ibanez Artstar 200


New member
Hi Guys,

Finally bought the Ibanez Artstar 200. Brand new, 900 euros here in Barcelona. Came with soft (but well padded) case. Gorgeous guitar. Very happy with the sound, has incredible natural sustain. Set up seems pretty good, bearing in mind that I'm no pro but I do detect a faint buzz past the 15th fret & the tuning at open string & 12th fret is slightly out. I guess I'll take it in to get it sorted out properly one of these days. For now it's just such a joyous relief after so long with the poor old Fender Squier.

Was def a great help from all you guys when deciding which guitar to buy, I would never have thought of getting an Ibanez as I associate the brand with Steve Vai type histrionics & I can't abide all that.

So thanks a lot.

Am now looking at getting an accoustic-electric to really widen the scope of the band's sound. I was looking through a few threads & Ibanez came up again. I have about 500 euros to spend. Any recommendations?

Thanks again guys.


Errr...not exactly sure actually...One annoying detail was that the shop claimed they didn't have the specs for the guitar. I did check out the Ibanez site & get loads of feedback here before I bought it but that was a while ago & I don't recall the exact name...But it's the vintage dark sunburst type one. Aesthetically speaking I would have prefered a lighter sunburst but, hey, it was the only Artstar 200 I found in Barcelona!!

I have to get round to writing to Ibanez and asking them for the specs so I can quote all this stuff at guitar headz so they take me seriously...I'm kinda like, once I know a thing's good & why it's good I buy it & then forget all the details...need to remedy that...

BUt yeah, it's a fucking dream guitar...sounds way better than the Strat I had years back & is obviously light years on from the Squier.

Now if I can just get that damned bossa nova tune down...
