Finally, a guitar with balls!!!

The Wangcaster's origin:
One day an old woman who was quite proud of her bird collectibles decided that she needed a new lawn ornament. She called a famous wood carver [Bob] and requested "a large woodpecker atop two large nuts". When the woman arrived Bob unveiled the carving "ta da!". The old woman looking horrified ran away and drove off throwing gravel from her spinning tires. Bob was puzzled by the womans reaction. He hated to see such a nice carving job go to waste. Just then he remembered that Kid Rock had also called and asked for a life sized bust of himself. Bob quickly packed up the carving and headed to Kid Rock's house. Kid Rock was so excited when Bob arrived. Bob then unveiled the carving "ta da!". Kid Rock's excitement quickly turned to anger. "Who the F**K is this supposed to be?" "That doesn't look like me...the chin is too small...and my head is much bigger than that! Get the F**K out of here!" Bob grabbed his carving and started walking slowly to his car. As Bob walked he cursed Kid Rock "That no talent S.O.B. is just a peckerwood with a guitar". Then like lightning an idea struck Bob. He drove home and painstakingly retrofitted his carving transforming it into the Wangcaster. Bob finally received his reward for the hard work that he had put into the Wangcaster when it was purchased for a tidy sum by Ricky Martin. Ricky never played it. He would just sit for hours staring without blinking mesmerized by it's beauty.
As a male guitar player....I would not touch it...anymore than I'd touch the real thing (not belonging to myself).