Final upgrade before i stop........for a while

Fire Dome

New member
HEy i'm looking to purchase the final upgrade to my recording chain which will be a new mixing desk. Problem is i don't know where to look to but one and any makes or models that i should be looking for.

Here is what i need
24 mic channels/24 line channels
each has inserts and each must have direct outs.
4 or more stereo channels.
A few sub groups maybe four, more the merrier.
atleast 4 aux sends.
Also having lots of output possibilities etc.
talkback would be nice but i can always hog a spare channel if needs be.
I would like the desk to have some really nice pres and maybe a nice eq as my outboard stuff isn't to good at the moment.

I will have about 700-£1000 to spend. But i would be willing to go alittle higher if it was a superb deal (i saw a soundcraft ghost for £1300 and was sorely tempted).

I realise that with this money i am really looking to the second hand market which is fine. I wouls love to stick with soundcraft because my E12 has really served me well and will continue to do so live. However any brand is considered aslong as i am getting top notch quality (or as close to on my budget).

Cheers in advance for any suggestions.

Thanks for the reply. I don't know if that is enoguh of an upgrade for me at the moment. I know it will be a major step up but i am not one to work up the chain of gear slowly. i like to buy as few times as possible. Does it give me 24 mic inputs?
Thanks again

Fire Dome said:
(i saw a soundcraft ghost for £1300 and was sorely tempted)
I admire your policy of wanting to spend money as few times as possible and of trying to get the best quality product you can, but 1300 pounds seems awfully cheap for a Ghost. If you do cave in to temptation, look it over VERY carefully and have someone come with you who knows what to look for in a used mixing desk -- cracked circuit boards, bad capacitors etc and, if possible, put it through its paces. That's one thing thats usually made almost impossible by second hand music stores or dealers here --- they all have 'strict policies' against any kind of checkout period in which the flaws in the stuff on their showfloors would certainly be discovered.

The Soundcraft M- series have mic preamps that are either the same as the Ghost or close, depending on who you listen to. The A+H's have a good reputation, and there's always the perennial Alesis 8-buss series...
Actually, 1,300 pounds translates to around $2,500 dollars, which is pretty much what used Ghosts are going for. At least on eBay. So that price seems right on target, certainly for an LE.

Firedome, it sounds like what you need is almost as much a feature upgrade as a tone upgrade. You want more sends, some busses, all that good stuff. If you check out that Ghost and it is in great shape, that would be a nice upgrade from where you are now.
Sonic Albert: you are bang on the money want a feature upgrade aswell as a sound upgrade. The ghost is from a dealer who specialises in second hand studio equiptement, problem is i don't have 1300 pounds at the mo and the Ghost will most probably be gone when i do.
What about other soundcrafts such as the Delta 200 (£311 at the moment on ebay) or even one of the spirit L7s?
Keep those suggestions coming
