Final mixing to Mini disk


New member
Is it better to record to mini disk for your final mix or back the the HD?
Thinking mixing the tracks from Sonar to minidisk and then back for a final master or send to another mastering set up.
Is minidisk still an ecxeptable medium?
Or would CD be better?

I take it you're going computer, soundcard, (mixer?) MiniDisk? then MiniDisk back to soundcard to computer?

send it back to the hard drive. MD format was never up to scratch with its compression technique, plus you'll reduce the number of A/DD/A conversions.
If you're mixing in Sonar, just use the "Render" or mixdown function (Whatever they call it in Sonar) to a Stereo wav file. Don't mess with anything outside your computer.
gordone said:
If you're mixing in Sonar, just use the "Render" or mixdown function (Whatever they call it in Sonar) to a Stereo wav file. Don't mess with anything outside your computer.

we're back to digital Vs analog summing :rolleyes: