final mixes up now

Dang. "bitches & hoes" is a good song, Jonkan. Well mixed, IMHO. Somewhere between Dinosaur Jr. and Flaming Lips. Except better jazz influence (LOVE it). Cool.

"Gone Left Goodbye" is another creeper. I didn't like it at first, but this is good shit. REALLY good shit. Again, would change nothing, it's nailed, IMHO.

"Low Life Dreamer." You put that up a while back, yes? Sounds pretty good to me, gonna skip after listening for about a min...

"Broke By Way." This is one of those "conductor" songs, where once you've memorized the songs you prove to the world you know it by "telling" the CD player which notes to play when. LOL. Sounds great, although I feel the vocals on this one are a little low.

Nicely tuned drumset, btw, all around...

"Figures From Here" This is your final mix, so I won't tell you that the lead wandering tone at the beginning is a TAD bit "offsounding" with it in the left channel like that. Nope, not gonna do it. Love the sustained drone at 1:53-2:03, but again feel eager to hear more decay at 2:03 instead of XXXXXX. Want XXXXXxxxxxxx....... . . . Alright, ~2:50, heh heh, cool. WHOA, ~4:20 very cool shit here too... What's the sample?... Lemme ask you a question about this song: Who presented it before the band and how? Was it recorded as we hear it now, or was this a band "jerkoff" (you know what I mean, not the derrogatory connotation you get reading it) getting better and better? There are some harder-than-usual parts there WHAT WAS THAT? What was that? The end? Hm.... there are some harder-than-usual parts there and I'm interested in how your band went about tackling each part. If you did each part in sections, kudos! Sounds seamless...

"Sidewalk Peptalk." YEAH! NO! Fuck, where'd the chick go? Tease of a song, it sounds like shit, and I'm never getting my beer from here again! Frustrated, goin' home... :D Seriously, I'm not too big on this song... so far "the weakest," if you want to hear it that way. More accurately, "not as kickass" as the rest is more appropriate... :D

"Life Into Nothing Apart" also has that off-sided feel to it... if intended, you nailed it. If not, then I won't tell you I got chills of Father Time when it started. Drums feel a bit harsher than the previous tracks. Soaring lead could come up a bit, or everything else down a bit... 1:47 is nice, but the guitar has some heavy transients against such a smooth keyboard part. "Not as kickass" as the rest of the album... I think the vocals are stronger on the other tracks than "L.I.N.A." and "Sidewalk Peptalk." Interesting ending, I do like it.

"Rocket." Acoustic reminds me of Rick Foster. Nice vocals... x3! Whoa... where'd you get THAT? Is that a... thing? Those brown standup things? ;)

DOOD. What the FUCK was that? What's with the "sniff" and END?

Killer project, Jonkan. I'll buy one if you're sellin', it sounds very well done and the I think the music is rewarding. Thanks!
Kick ass. Sounds like a record to me. Bitches & Hoes still remeinds me of old Genisis (think "Nursery Crimes"). Love it. All are well done and mixed and just good tunes.
Good stuff Jonkan
Liked them all.
The mixing sounded pretty good from what I can tell. I'm no engineer.
The balance of voice and instruments came out well, and the drums sounded good.
actually, we´re only using the two new songs. The other ones are rather old. Were working on a new one aswell that will be somewhat different than all the others. More depressing and almost only rhodes piano and singing (the first song with our lead guitarist on vocals :) )

kelly, this part i dont get:
"Who presented it before the band and how? Was it recorded as we hear it now, or was this a band "jerkoff" (you know what I mean, not the derrogatory connotation you get reading it) getting better and better? There are some harder-than-usual parts there WHAT WAS THAT? What was that? The end? Hm.... there are some harder-than-usual parts there and I'm interested in how your band went about tackling each part. If you did each part in sections, kudos! Sounds seamless... "
what do you mean?
Kelly probably doesn't know what he meant... :D

I listened to some of the songs.. It has a very good garage-sound to it. It's all well played and a really good singer.

*swedish international takeover conspiracy text follows*

Har ni lust att spela in en video tycker jag att ni försöker få tag på Mattias Johansson på Student TV i Lund. Det är en bra snubbe som nog kan fixa en jävligt bra video åt er för nästan inga pengar alls.

Bra låtar. :)
Hey, Jonkan, I'm about to eat here in a bit, but I basically wondered on a song like that (which I recall as having some decidedly different departure points than your standard a.b.a.b.c song) how the band learned/recorded it. We have some that are similar to that in the number of changes, but ours are simple repeats... repeat 4 or 5 sections, then go back to square one. That song didn't do that, and I wondered if a ya'll took the time to sit down and plan it, or everybody got a CD from the guuy who wrote it saying, "Here's how this song is going to be. Memorize the structure."

Basically, that comment comes from me getting pissed at how simple some of our music is and then seeing a good band get past that hurdle. The "What was that?" pertained to a certain part in the song, and I'll listen tonight to try and find the exact location of that impetus.

So.... gimme about six, seven hours to get to work and get "unbusy" enough to start typin', and you'll have a more detailed answer.

Mesh: :p
Hey Jonkan,
Do you mind if I download your songs and burn them to cd? I think I have some friends that would like your band. IF so, how do I download the cd? Or is there somewhere I can buy it?
the structure of the songs were pretty much improvised during the few rehersals we did. Then we wrote down how the song should be and just recorded it live, me and the guitarist. Then we did some overdubs (guitars, vocals and bass)

FZmontanaDF: If you want, i can put up the .wav files or make better sounding mp3 and put up on ftp.

Im so glad, we are number 2 on the iuma college/indie/lofi chart,
nr 21 on the total chart, and 9 on rock, and nr 6 on the pop chart.
to me thats just sick!
prob wont last for long, but it shure makes me really happy now! :cool:
Jonas H
Your stuff sounds killer. I like everything except for the snare sound, which I think is a little too "big" for your sound. Maybe cut the lows on it a little, or tune it a little tighter. It sounds a little like an 80's big rock ballad snare... But your songs are killer.

Everyone in your band was born in 1980, now I feel really f*cking old.

--Sorry, listening to more of your stuff, and that snare sound is really only obvious on "bitches and hoes" and "gone left goodbye".
oh, the snare...
thats just me doing to many rimshots...I cant help it, it sounds better on rehersals...Then i cant get rid of them ;)
Hope its not too disturbing, as I dont have the reverb I need here so i cant remix again (Cant afford a tc m3000, so I have to borrow it from my dad.)

Im putting up highquality mp3s of 4 songs, the others i cant find the source files for at the moment.
Im not shure I can keep it up all night, my puter´s making this noise thats making me crazy. Something wrong with one of the fans. So if anyone wants them, go ahead and grab em :)
If you want the oldest songs, i suppose I could go find the cd with em somewhere in this mess. But im not very proud of those recordings, I play like shit. I always get so nervous when recording for some reason, its a pain in the ass...

OH, and btw...could you guys help me out?: Im trying to figure out in what order i should put "bitches and hoes" and "gone left goodbye" , theyll be the songs on our new demo cd, (+ a new, for now unfinished song which will have to be last as you may very well be put to sleep by it ;) )
which we will send out to recordcompanies and clubs...
so waddayathink?
Jonas H
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I tried to get those two, but kept crashing on the download. I was able to get broke by way earlier. Vey cool. Reminds me of Ben Folds Five in a way. That organ or whatever it is in the background is great, and makes me wanna puke cause I can't get anything close to that good recorded. :D The drum intro is good, but everytime I hear the song it makes me start thinking it's gonna start before that intro is over. That doesn't make much sense, but what I'm saying is the drum intro sounds a little long to me. Not a big deal at all, just makes me aware of it, like "hey, it's a drum intro."

I'll try the rest of the songs later, cause I really like the one I've heard. Good job.
yup, everything was recorded at home in our small basement, and in my bedroom.

In what order should i put the new songs? give me some help, I seem to have lost my objectivity somewhere along the way and cant really judge this...

Jonas H
hey Jonak - got to this thread a little late, but still love your stuff...

Is your singer swedish? he sounds texan to me! hehe.

nice work