Final Mixdown Master Volume -6db?

nessbass said:
So that's maybe the reason why is "mismatched" my mixer and soundcard in the past. I used the pres in a mixer that is designed to output levels at +4dB, but I ran the soundcard's converters at -10dB, so that the levels showed up in the meters in Logic. These meters only start to display anything if the signal is above -20dBFS, which always gives me the feeling of tracking too low, if they'retracked "correctly". Is there any problem in doing this that I'm not aware of?
Only that it sets you up to run the pre at less than optimum to compensate.
Are you sure the meters can't be scaled down? This is only slightly below where you'd want your average tracking levels, and certainly not a good reason to miss-match your front end.
izotope ozone and vintage warmer....i'm assuming those are on your master bus..

well, take them both off, and the ME will do what those plugins do, but 100 times better. ha.