Final Mix

Doc Strange

New member
Hey. new here, but im glad ive been looking for a good producer forum. ne wayz. My mixes are sounding great except for one thing. My instrumentals are in the center of the mix, ive tried everything, but i cant keep them out of the center, ok on a regular 2 channel stereo you cant telll a thing, but on my prologic i get nothing from l/r and everything is in the center. Only reason i really even care is because all professional cds i play the vocals are in the center and the instro is in the l/r channels. Help plez! Thanx
theis a thing called pan they have it on any decent mixing or recording software such as sonar 4, nuendo 2.0, cool edit.
theres this thing called common sense most decent people have it you obviously are void of intelligence too. have u ever heard the saying "its better to hold your tongue and be thought wise than to open your mouth and ruin the disguise." why would i want to pan to one channel. If there is anyone else who would like to legitimately help me other than make a stupid comment. cuz this guy couldnt mix cereal w/ milk.
When you use Logic, my advice is: use Track Automation.

E.g. in a track you can draw the volume, apply effects and have them disappeared and also you can PAN the instrument concerned. All by drawing.
no,no im sorry i should of explained a little more. the instrumental is drums,instruments, and all. i do want them in the stereo field, just not in the center. if you listen to any professional production, through a pro-logic system the vocals will be in the center, and the instrumental to the far sides of the stereo field, just wondering how to go about that. I make my instrumentals on a generator/sequencer then export to recording program. that ne better of an explanation. sorry to come off like that but i hate when u ask for help and some idiot automatically assumes you dont know anything and makes a know-it-all answer instead of trying to be helpful.
Doc Strange said:
i hate when u ask for help and some idiot automatically assumes you dont know anything and makes a know-it-all answer instead of trying to be helpful.

Do you know what I hate?

Run-on sentences.

You need to pan your instrument tracks L/R. It's not very difficult.
Doc Strange said:
why would i want to pan to one channel.

So you can ... um ... get the effect you're looking for.

Jeezus, what an idiot.

Shouldn't there be some sort of base intelligence quotient for allowing people to post on this board? Not only are you dumb as a rock, but someone comes along and gives you a simple answer to your idiotic question, and you freak out on the guy and call him an idiot. That's just classic.
chessrock said:
So you can ... um ... get the effect you're looking for.

Jeezus, what an idiot.

Shouldn't there be some sort of base intelligence quotient for allowing people to post on this board? Not only are you dumb as a rock, but someone comes along and gives you a simple answer to your idiotic question, and you freak out on the guy and call him an idiot. That's just classic.

lol I thought I was the only one that noticed that....lmao@doc strange

I needed that ahhhhhhh

thanx chadsxe i figured it out,my export poly was set to mono,thru the generator it sounded fine but when exported it sent it to center. i never asked how to pan, i couldnt figure out why my "panned" tracks where in the center, chadsxe came the closest to helping me solve my problem and i thank him for not being such @!!! about it. The rest of you should try being helpful instead of so arrogant. I go to forums and all i hear is people whining about people posting what they call stupid questions, but yet they are uncontrollably drawn to post their pompous remarks.
Doc Strange said:
thanx chadsxe i figured it out,my export poly was set to mono,thru the generator it sounded fine but when exported it sent it to center. i never asked how to pan, i couldnt figure out why my "panned" tracks where in the center, chadsxe came the closest to helping me solve my problem and i thank him for not being such @!!! about it. The rest of you should try being helpful instead of so arrogant. I go to forums and all i hear is people whining about people posting what they call stupid questions, but yet they are uncontrollably drawn to post their pompous remarks.

lmao@ us being arrogant did you read your 2nd post towards the first person who tried to help?

kettle calling the pot black?
theres this thing called panning<- sarcasm, i didnt ask for sarcasm i asked for help like i dunno what panning is. And then go on to say that i must be mixing on an inferior program. thats why i got mad at em. sorry i wasnt so detailed but i didnt expect for someone to insult me instead of help me. thought that was the purpose of message board communities, people helping other people.
Keep in mind that I'm not "bitching" at anyone - I'm just explaining to avoid a lack of communication in the future. Not even aimed at anyone in particular...

What would've helped would be a better explanation of the problem - If Doc Strange would have said that the stereo spread was fine when mixing, but the rendered files were mono, the very first reply would've solved the problem. Also important - the lexicon needs to be somewhat adhered to - There's a BIG difference between "instruments in the center of the mix" and just plain "mono."

Now, I don't have much of a history with StudioMxpx, but I'm assuming that he wasn't being sarcastic. DS's original post seemed to lack a clear explanation of the problem, and a lack of the basic vocabulary. I would think that StudioMxpx's first thought must have been that DS was pretty new to this, and tried to explain it keeping that in mind. On the same coin, SM had no idea what program DS was using OR if he actually *knows* how to use it.

I'm sure we've all tried to explain panning to someone who wasn't into this stuff before, right? :eek:

So let's all shake hands. :D
Doc Strange said:
thanx chadsxe i figured it out,my export poly was set to mono,thru the generator it sounded fine but when exported it sent it to center. i never asked how to pan, i couldnt figure out why my "panned" tracks where in the center, chadsxe came the closest to helping me solve my problem and i thank him for not being such @!!! about it. The rest of you should try being helpful instead of so arrogant. I go to forums and all i hear is people whining about people posting what they call stupid questions, but yet they are uncontrollably drawn to post their pompous remarks.
Key information in bold above - also in a forum if it's hard for you to relate your personal experience level in just a few words imagine that it's just as hard for the reader to catch where you're comin from - newbie, some experience, pro-wannabe (hehe), or pro. Sometimes assumtions get made by both the poster and reader that can lead to a house of cards until folks know you harm done, just don't pitch a fit if you weren't clear and no one knows what you're about - it's only rock'n'roll :D