filter/plugins for mastering???


New member
Hi,cubaseuser comrade, I m looking for mastering tools, which can just automaticly normalise tracks. Or what prog is best for mastering and editing? ta
I would look into soundforge if your budget allows it lets you limit very cleanly another good plug i use alot is yamaha final master you can download a trial version of it at it comes bundled with yamaha pro digital mixers but can be used with any platform that uses VST you can put it on your main output bus and there are some great presets to get you started, i love that damn plug lol i would be lost without it
Like Ninthhour says - if you can get it, Sound Forge is great for mastering. Everything I do goes through Sound Forge for final editing and mastering.

Also, although expensive, look at the Waves plug-ins, particularly the L1 Ultramaximizer. This will compress your music and get it LOUD!* I couldn't live without my L1...

*Use sparingly.