Film music network


New member
Does anyone have experience with the Film Music Network?
Is it worth $10/month?
Can I join and then cancel my membership after a month?
I had that page bookmarked for about 6 months. Thanks for reminding me of it. Now that I have more time for music, I may explore it a bit more.

I guess I'm not much help with your question, but if I remember correctly, there is quite a list of artists on that site. Maybe you could contact a few of them and find out how much good the site has done for them. Just an idea. I'm going to check it out again later tonight. Thanks for reminding me of the name. Hope my small suggestion helps.

I subscribed for many months and it was ok.

Is it worth $10 a month? sure...a tax write-off at the very least. Honestly, I didn't hit it as hard as I probably should have, but I did get a few replies (most did not though) I think it's probably a fine thing. I still get the email ads - I just can't open them to see the contact address etc...

I may start up with them again, but for now I don't miss it.

I think you can cancel whenever you wish.