Fender Super Reverb 65 Amp

About to buy one of these bad boys, quick question though. Where can i find information on how much the tubes will cost to replace when they go bad? Thanks -
I seem to remember that they have 2 6L6 power tubes (which would make sense, since the RMS power in a push-pull amp relates to output, and I have a couple of 6L6-equipped lamps with about the same power as the Super) and several 12AX7s -- probably five, since it uses one for the reverb and tremolo.

Check for those at the website provided by Gitfiddle.

A friend has a nice '67 Super and tubes seem to last for a long time with "normal" use. If they don't have a mechanical flaw and they are not overheated etc, they will last a while. I have a Sears Silvertone Twin Twelve that I retube every ten years or so (I bought it in 1974), and a Music Man HD130 Reverb that I've retubed once, probably in 1995 or so. Both get used: I ran the MM with a Hartke bass cab for my practice amp with a band, and we practiced 2-3 times a week for a couple of years, and it's still going strong.

I love the sound of Supers. Now if they could only trim 'em down to about 20 lbs for us old guys....
Yes, one is. Also, one is a driver for the trem, and can be a crappy tube, even microphonic, as it's not in the audio path at all. You'll never need to replace it.
If I recall, one (maybe two) of those preamp tubes is a 12AY7.
Probably comparable in price to the 12AX7.

Note to Red Dog Studios: the second letter indicates the gain of the tube. I have a Pignose G40V where I substituted a 12AU7 for one of the 12AX7s for that reason.

And I didn't make it clear that there would be separate tubes for the reverb and the tremolo...which actually is a tremolo, unlike the Stratocaster's "tremolo" which is really a vibrato....