Fender Pro Junior hiss

does it hiss only with the guitar hooked up??? over all i would check the preamp tubes and their sockets.... in checking the sockets make sure it's off or it will bite...
Do you have some kind of interference maybe a flourescent light?Try plugging it in on different circuits in different rooms.
ok the next step is to make sure the tube sockets are grabbing the tube firmly... turn it off and wiat for a day... pull the tubes out and lay them out in order so they go back in the same... take a small screwdriver (i use a dental pic) and close the little grippers inside the socket if they look kinda open... in otherwords you dont want to close them to the point that the tube wont insert.... then put them back in and try it.... if that doesnt do it try new tubes...
Pro Jrs. are unusually susceptible to the hum demon. In part, it has a lot to do with their construction. Changing out the tubes can help, especially changing the preamp tubes. It might take several to get it to reduce. Also, on the back of the amp there is the name plate. try turning the center screw out a couple of turns. The screw is actually too long and causes some intereference, hence the hum. I have heard many people just replace it with a shorter screw.

For a more detailed answer check out the Fender Discussion Page and do a search in the 1985-current amp section. This problem comes up alot. I don't know why Fender hasn't fixed the problem. The PJ is such a nice amp, otherwise.