Female vocals!


New member
I need some advice broskies. I posted this track without vocals mixed veerrry differently, but now I'm getting closer to finishing (they want this done this week) and I need some advice.

Please, tell me how this sounds. I know someone will hate the kick or the snare or the guitar tone, I HOPE everyone hates the toms, but what I really want to know is if the instruments are balanced and if it's a pleasurable listen. That kind of thing.

When the guitar first kicked in I was like, "hey, is this Four Year Strong?" :)

The drums sound good, but the guitar tone is a bit off for my liking. I can't quite put my finger on what it is... my ears are still ringing from a loud gig last night so my judgement is probably way off at the moment, but I can just tell it isn't quite right in my opinion!

I'll come back later and take another listen once I'm in a fit state to comment :D

Other than the actual balance, I think the vocals could really do with some harmonies in places. Not trying to stereotype with genres, but I always associate this kind of instrumental with heavily layered vocal parts (often with huge doses of pitch correction)!

I think I'm thinking too much of Four Year Strong again!

Take a listen to this song and pull some mix ideas from that...
Matt, I LOVE FYS. So much. This song reminds me of them too! Thanks for the input dude. The guitarist loves the tone and I'm fond of it too (we both like really midrangey smooth stuff so we get along great). It's through a processor (A mid level Digitech GNX thingy) so that may be the offputtingness.

As for their mixing style, I don't know how close I can come to that without using heavy sample replacement. This band's vocalist is really simple mindset wise too. We're going to re-track this with programmed drums next week (they prefer the sound versus their real drummer who played on this recording) as part of a longer EP and go crazy on that stuff! We'll do lots more than two guitar tracks and one vocal. This was 2 days to do three songs for a six piece band (there are keyboards in this song that are missing from this mix) so now it's basically pre-production for next week.