feedback with doom metal-vibe song

Hey Mr. Cachi

Just gave a quick listen on some earbuds so can't give too much useful feedback as of right now, however i did notice the drums being buried when the guitars come in. Bring the volume up quite a bit and it should sound a bit more balanced. Love the guitar tone. Maybe put a bit of a high shelf on there to open it up, but that may also be what i'm listening on. I'll give it another go when i get to my gear later. Good job:guitar:
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Hey reinmj, thanks for the reply! I Was actually worried that the kick might be too present in the Mix, although you may be right about the snare...
Your intro drums remind me of Tony Thompson's sound in Some Like it Hot. Good guitar tones. Yeah your challenge will be to keep the drums present all the way through when the guitars come in.
The drums are pretty rough. They sound very canned an unnatural. Try to vary the velocities some more (no one hits every drum as hard as they can every time, especially on kick rolls like that). The room sound on them is also pretty overwhelming. They sound like they're in a can in addition to being from a can.

Guitar tone sounds fine. Bass is pretty buried but supports the guitars well.
Hey VomitHatSteve, thanks for the reply. Excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean with "canned"? And how would you recommend on solving that?
Hey VomitHatSteve, thanks for the reply. Excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean with "canned"? And how would you recommend on solving that?

Apologies. It's slang for artificial-sounding VSTi drums or a drum machine (i.e. drums from a can)

There are a number of routes you can explore depending on what drum's you're using. As I said in my last post, you want to vary the velocities of the drum hits. If you're using midi, it kind of sounds like they're all cranked up to 127. Real drummers hit with slightly different force every time. You can manually adjust velocity so that the most important hits (e.g. the down beats) are harder than the rest, or you might be able to use a midi humanizer plugin.

You can also humanize timing by not having every hit exactly on beat.

A good VSTi drum machine will also use round-robin drum sounds and rotate through a selection of alternatives for every sample. (They'll sound close to identical but just different enough that it sounds "human")