Feedback Question


New member
I recently shimmed the neck on my tele so I could get my action lower without fret buzz which pretty well worked. Problem is I'm now getting lots of feedback from my bridge pickup (duncan little '59) & not the good kind, the squealing non-harmonic kind.

Should I lower the pickup, raise the pickup? By how much & how much will it affect my tone (which I'm very happy with)?
Thanks all,
The type of feedback you describe is usually caused by the windings of the pickup not being waxed and vibrating.

I would take it to a good repair shop and have them dip it in wax. That should fix the problem.

If you don't have a good local place, send it to Lindy Fralin. Do a web search and find him - he is the best. I think he's in Richmond Va.

Did the distance from pickup to strings change? More distance could mean lower output, causing you to turn up louder. Other than that I can't imagine shimming the neck causing the kind of "microphonic pickup" kind of feedback you describe.
Thanks for info

sounds like I need to have my pickup waxed. odd that i didn't have a problem earlier. I worked a bit with adjusting the height which was no help.
Thanks again