Feedback problems.....


New member

I am loking for some advice/links/anything that will help me gain a better knowledge of feedback - so I can possibly fix this problem that I am having:

During band practice I am run my mic through an old Traynor mixer, then amplifying it through my bass amp - I can't turn the mixer up past "2" before i get mad feedback. (and I need it to be louder...)
I've played around with the settings enough - figured it was time to do some actual research.

Any help is appreciated - thanks,
This is a home recording forum. I suggest you find a live audio forum and post your question there.
Not trying to fob you off, you'll just get more replies there.
I would hope your already at least doing what Harvey suggested.

You can also use a parametric EQ to try and isolate the offending frequencies.

If you are using a SM58 you might try a SM57 because it is a little more directional and wont pick up as much of the speaker.
What Harvey said. The key is to minimize the sound coming back from the speakers into your mic again.

Don't know what your room's like but you might play with the position and angle of your speakers. Mainly worry about getting the mic out of their path. And look at your eq settings. You may not have a parametric to notch out the offending range, but make sure you haven't made any boosts that are too much for the room either. Good luck!
It's probably the mic, most cheap dynamic mics give feedback even if they are not pluged in. And the room is probably untreated.
