Feedback on this GARAGEBAND recording?


New member
Garageband, because I'm poor but wanna make cool music. I've tried to get the hang of a recording, mixing, and mastering process all with Garageband, and I want to get yall's feedback on how I am doing. Here is a link to the song on Bandcamp. Please evaluate the song in terms of quality as well as musicality (because I'm curious about whether you like the song itself, as well).

It's called "Fight".

Fight | Joel Weber
I thought the playing was good. As far as rating it on musicality, I don't think it stands up as an instrumental - needs something else, such as a vocal, to keep up listener interest.

I'm not a huge fan of mechanical drums. Drum programming takes quite a bit of practice to get right.

I thought you used too much reverb on just about all the guitar parts. The verb you used sounded decent. There was just too much of it used.

The guitar tone was OK. But I'm hearing a high-end crackle that was a bit distracting. I was hearing it on just about all the guitar tracks.
I thought the playing was good. As far as rating it on musicality, I don't think it stands up as an instrumental - needs something else, such as a vocal, to keep up listener interest.

I'm not a huge fan of mechanical drums. Drum programming takes quite a bit of practice to get right.

I thought you used too much reverb on just about all the guitar parts. The verb you used sounded decent. There was just too much of it used.

The guitar tone was OK. But I'm hearing a high-end crackle that was a bit distracting. I was hearing it on just about all the guitar tracks.

I'm pretty sure the crackle is because I played straight into the interface and didn't tweak my tone enough. I can see how it would be annoying but I taught myself to ignore it because I was being lazy...oh well. The reverb was a plate that is on my Hall of Fame. I like reverb but I can definitely see how there could have been too much. The drums are the best I've done so far, because I am in no position to be doing real drums (bad kit, bad mics, can't play drums).

Thanks so much for the comments!
i think it was a nice song, needs some vocal maybe? it could be a really good song with a nice vocal :) keep up the good work
Yeah man.. song could be cool with the right vocals.. I like the vibe.. although the guitars are distorting like you recorded them with too much gain and they're clipping.
Other than that, Good job!

Overall, I thought it sounded good! I thought it seemed well-written, arranged and recorded. I would say the main drawback is that if it is to be instrumental only, it is too repetitive, not melodic enough. I see what people are saying about the drums...they seem a little too perfect with regard to timing and volume levels. So they sound mechanical and sort of expressionless. But in my opinion, that is an impressive thing to have put together, keep on going!