Feedback on this final mix


New member
My fellow songwriter (former Dave Darque) wrote, sang and co-produced "One more high" in the early eighties. Would be great with a feedback or two.
The sound is by many described as A-Ha influenced. But this was made before anyone had heard anything from A-ha :)
Link to MP3 file
The file is 9Mb
i dont really know what to make of that, i mean it is 2005. maybe put me in a tardis and transport me back to the 80s and who knows. do u think this song could be adapted to modern times? thats would be interesting to hear!!!!
LoL; I see your point. I also hear the mix is destroyed when converting it to MP3 from wav. Will try to reconvert it and put up the new file.
Yeah, this would have been great in the 80's, I think what Cliff was trying to hint at was reworking the song with a modern arrangement, to take the 80's sound out of it.

It had potential, even though I hated this genre when it was the latest thing...
Definitly sounds from the era, but you can't fault it if that is when it was written. As far as the mix, it fits with when it was everything sounds in the proper place, and good eq. Not my particular style to listen too, but can't fault it for that. I'd say, good mix and production, and some good performance skills ta boot. To just hear it, I'd say VH-1 Classic could play it, and I wouldn't know it wasn't some "BIG" band from that era.

With inflation, that's my 92.5 cents worth, buy me a beer and I owe you bout a buck.