Feedback on Latest Song


New member
Hello All,

First I want to say thank you to everyone who tirelessly listens to not only my music, but everyone else's music that is posted in this forum. I just finished a song and would love to hear feedback and what you all think.

Here is my website:

And the song is the first one called "The Tribute".

Again thank you for listening.
Not too shabby! The lack of lyrics made it a bit long to listen to, but if ya got some sweet vocals there, this would sound pretty good...

Personally, I'd add 1 or 2 more layers of drums and percussion on top of what you've got. The orchestration sounds good.

Seems that the whole song lacks some higher EQ sparkle. Like the snare hits don't hit hard at all. The high-hat doesn't pop, either... It sort of disappears. I'd jack up the EQ on at least some of the instruments in the higher 8K and above...

Take this with a grain of salt, because I don't listen to this style of music at all, but I wanted to give ya at least some feedback.

Keep at it!
Thanks PoeticIntensity!

I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my track and for the feedback.
This is a good time to get some more information and learn more.

I usually try to wait until vocals are laid to do any major eq'ing - However, do you do major eq'ing without vocals laid?

I will go ahead and beef up the drums for sure - Many times I run into problems with layering drums - because in order for them to not compete so much with Bass - I have to cut the hell out of their bass (which in my opinion kinda defeats the purpose). However I did layer the snare/clap but this was definately a more complex project because of the orchestration of instruments... I tried to not have the drums overpowering the music. I have done it on a few tracks - but I will most definately play with that idea when I get back down to the studio.

Thanks for the feedback! Any more suggestions forum?
Cool track. I can imagine it being a pop or rap song. Would be interested to see how it sounds once you get vocals in.

The bass sounds a little out of place in that it doesn't sound synthy/warped.
Hey VPK,

Thnx for listening to my track. I tried to have a kinda real sounding bass as if someone was playing it (like the old days). Maybe I will tinker with a synth bass to see how that sounds. Thanks for the comments and your time.