Favourite Overhead Set Up


New member
I was curious what people find to be their favourite for overhead set-ups on drums. Small or Large Diaphragm Condensors? AB, XY, even M/S? Etc... I suppose it also depends on the style, so be sure to throw that info in aswell. Anyway, share your secrets and successes!
I was listening to some tracks I did a while back. On one kit I used 2 LDC cardoids. One a few feet above the snair and the other a few feet over towards the floor tom. Both mics spaced identically from the snare and kick. The other kit I just used two SDC omnis in a near-coincident pair.

I'm not exactly sure if it's the difference in diaphram or placement but the NC pair really has a lot more presence and spaciousness to it.
Lately it's been AKG 391b's into Great River MP2. Some times into 1272 when I want rounder. I did a session a few months ago. My drummer playing his 67' ludwig with a mono overhead..I used a Blue Bottle into one ch of our TG2. Sounded great..

Also did a mono overhead for a darker slower tune last week...Royer R121 into Great River..

but for modern tones it's been the 391b's. in XY
XY, but next time I get a chance I will try M-S with my ShinyBox 46 ribbon mic and a LDC. Phew, can't wait. :D
The easiest to work with for me has been AKG C414 EBs. They are just pretty neutral so it usually needs a teeny bit of tweaking to get the cymbals to sound just right. The height really depends on the music. I usually like mine pretty close to the cymbals though.

It will really depends though on whats going on. Sometimes i want to use the C414s on other things. Like sometimes i like the C414 on high hat and the MXL603s or AT4050s as main overheads. But those usually are a little more difficult to get right for me unless its on the right style of music.

One of my all time favorites if your looking into cheaper microphones is the AT4033s. Work great on wrock drum overheads in my opinions. Very similiar to the C414s in sound except a bit more agressive and not as nice sounding. But works great for the colors.
