favortie drummers

It's good to see you expand your horizons beyond Lars. He was pretty unique back in the Ride The Lightning days and Master of Puppets had nice work, but he sort of blended into the blah after that. OK Justice had decent drumming but man that album was just kind of dry and had too many 11 minute songs...

Steve Ferrone who plays with Tom Petty. I love his playing on Wildflowers cause that guy can milk a drum kit.

Matt Cameron's playing with Soundgarden is incredible, check out Down on the Upside if you get a chance.

Ringo Starr played some flavorful shit believe it or not, that may or may not be a popular statement to make around here but the guy was good in my opinion.

The Jack Johnson album "Brushfire Fairytales" has incredible drumming. That guy finds every square inch of a snare drum to get different tones out of.

Warren Dent
Don't get me wrong....everyones lists are great , the Neil Peart, the John Bohnam, Keith Moon etc...(don't agree w/ Dave Grohl as one of the alltime bests ...good drummer but c'mon

L E V O N H E L M........the best!!!
Oh man you missed some good ones;

Danny Herrera - Napalm Death
Paul Mazurkiewicz - Cannibal Corpse
Mike hamilton - Deeds of flesh
Steve Asheim - Deicide
Dave Lombardo - Slayer
John Longstreth - Origin
and of course;
Igor Cavalera - Sepultura
"John Longstreth - Origin"

This guy is the master of the gravity blast. If you are a drummer and you have not heard this you should check it out just for the hell of it. Personally I don't think he is that great in terms of an all around player because the gravity blast is the only fucking technique he ever uses but from what I understand it is really hard to get this technique going. (Im not a drummer btw, guitarist who has a weird interest in drums lol)
My vote goes for Danny Carey. He is my favorite member of Tool. You can listen through their albums and just hear him outdoing himself with each album. Its really great when someone constantly takes it up a notch and doesn't just sit back and do the same thing that they always do. Hes a great player live as well. Pulls off all of his stuff with what looks like very little effort.
I second

Travis Barker - Blink 182, Don't care for Blink at all but the guy has chops.

Steven Perkins - Janes Addiction
John Bonham (Led Zep)
Adam Carsten (AFI)
Jimmy Chamberlin (Smashing Pumpkins)
John Dolman (SOAD)
Brad Wilks (RATM)
Animal [The Muppets:)]
Matt Chamberlain!! Listen to him on Fiona Apples' second album, the playing is unreal.

Oh and that DMB post was interesting, thanks!
another really good rhythmic drummer that i've enjoyed for years here in austin is tommy taylor...played on eric johnson's "tone" album...
What the hell?!

Second the following:
John Otto
Stewart Copeland
Dave Grohl
The one and only Buddy Rich
Animal (actually played by Ronnie Verrell)
Chad Smith - The best there is in Funk/Rock

But WHERE'S VINNIE?! I'm shocked nobody has mentioned Vinnie Colaiuta, a great player, both for chops and taste, and his ability to cross genres from Jazz, Funk, Rock, Metal, he does it all. One of the best Drummers alive.

Also, David Garibaldi and Mark Mondesir are both worth a look.
I come from a mainly "rock and blues guitarist" background so drumming was fairly new to me when I got my uncle's old drum kit restored not so long ago. I found many of the jazz drummers mentioned here -- particularly Tony Williams, Elvin Jones and Buddy Rich -- really opened up my eyes to the power of a different style of drumming that I had not considered looking at it through a rock/blues viewpoint. Same thing with Stewart Copeland and Carter Beauford, both of whom demonstrate a lot of originality in the way they use rhythm.